3.5. Adjusting air inlets when lighting the fire
- Primary air inlet
It's essential to open this air inlet completely when lighting the fire, just like it's advisable to leave the door
ajar to avoid condensations of fumes on the glass.
One should wait until the stove has heated up before adjusting the air inlets.
- Secondary air inlet
The secondary air inlet should be opened completely during lighting.
3.6. Adjusting air inlets during operation
- Primary air inlet
During the normal operation, once the stove has heated up, one should close the primary air inlet in order to
achieve a good combustion and performance.
If the quality of the firewood allows it, the primary air inlet could be closed completely, or left open very
slightly. (no more tan 1 cm.)
- Secondary air inlet
The regulation of the secondary air will allow you to achieve a better combustion, cleaner and more efficient,
making the most of every load of firewood.
One can adjust the secondary air inlet once the stove has heated up and burning with a good flame.
During normal operation, one should never close the secondary air completely. The minimum opening of the
secondary air inlet should be 15-20%
Secondary air regulation lever position for nominal power, open 50% of its range.
3.7. Tips for use and OPTIMAL adjustment of the air intakes:
Once the stove has completed a first cycle of combustion and is thoroughly heated up, it's advisable to follow
these directions for a maximum efficiency:
Place the burning embers so they cover the base of the fire chamber.
Use spilt Wood logs, beech or similar, preferably with a humidity of less than 20%.
Recommended size of fuel: 1 piece of beech Wood between 30-45 cm. long, and weight between 1 – 1.8 kgs.
Primary air inlet opened 5 to 8 mm.
secondary air inlet open 50%, forming a straight angle with the front of the stove.
To achieve an optimum and stable combustion, with a good vision of the flames through the glass, try to make
consecutive loads with firewood as similar as possible, and maintain the air inlets the same.