At first power up, the changegiver will run a self test, where the changegiver motor
will sound, the LEDs will cycle five times through a sequence of red, amber &
green and briefly display its software revision.
As there are no coins in the tube cassette, the display will show a "Tubes Low"
message requesting that the coin tubes be filled to a predefined level (refer to the
floating coin tubes section). Once the changegiver has enough coins in the tubes,
message will display the coin totals (in currency value) stored in the tubes.
Note: MEI recommends that a small number of coins (e.g. 5 of each) be inserted
in each tube prior to leaving the machine.
Floating the Coin Tubes
There are two ways to float the changegiver tubes with coins. You can: 1)
manually fill each tube by inserting coins into the tubes or 2) access the service
mode and select "Float" then insert each coin through the discriminator.
Filling Tubes Manually
1. Remove the tube cassette from the changegiver
2. Insert required number of coins in to relevant storage tubes
3. Re-fit tube cassette back on to the changegiver.
The changegiver will now begin an automatic tube calibration measurement were
a clicking sound will be heard, this is normal. Once calibration is complete, the
display will show a total currency value of the coins inserted. If a tube is left empty
the display will show a tube low message for the particular tube.
Fill Tube using the Service Mode Menu
1. Press the Yellow Mode button once
2. Press button A and start inserting coins through the discriminator
3. The display will show the number of coins that are required for each tube.
(each time a coin is inserted the displayed count will decrement by one)
4. Press button A to exit float mode
Changegiver Menu Structure
Service Mode
There are two ways to access the Set Up menus.
1. Press and hold the mode button for 2 seconds
2. Press the mode button once and select the "Setup" option by pressing
button E. (This method requires a pass code. When asked for this, press
buttons ABC)
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