Fresh Ground Meats
With the Fusion Xcelerator
you control the freshness, the cut, quality, and fat content
of the ground meat you serve to your family. Cube the fresh meat into medium sized
chunks. Choose the cup depending on the quantity you need to grind. Using the Quad
Blade, assemble the unit as described on page 16. Run the Fusion Xcelerator
in short
bursts. To insure even grinding, follow the Shake and Tap directions on page 16.
Grinding Tip: You can add fresh spices, chopped onion or seasoning to your meat
during the grinding process.
Fresh Grated Cheese
Cheese-topped pastas, soups and salads served
in high-end restaurants always taste great... the
difference is fresh grated cheese. The Fusion
eliminates the need for knuckle
buster graters and expensive store bought
pre-ground brands. Add chunks of your favorite
hard cheese to the 340 ml cup. Using the Quad
Blade, assemble the unit as described on page
16. Run the Fusion Xcelerator
in short bursts. To
insure even grinding, follow the Shake and Tap
directions on page 16. You can blend different
cheeses or add spices to the mix.
Home Made Baked Goods
Anyone can be a baker with Fusion Xcelerator
. Cut prep time and clean up to a
minimum using packaged mixes plus your own special added touches such as nuts
raisins or spices. Add ingredients as per recipe to the 680 ml cup. Using the Quad
Blade, assemble the unit as described on page 16. Mix to desired consistency. Add
nuts, chips or berries later in the process for proper texture and flavor.