The RS-232 settings are:
Baud Rate:
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow Control:
Bluetooth implementation uses SPP (Serial Port Profile) to connect the QC890
Verifier to the host system. The QC890 SPP is a standard Bluetooth profile
implementation. This allows the QC890 system to be compatible with most
Bluetooth devices. The QC890 unit can be used with existing Bluetooth radios
built into laptops, PCs, or PDAs.
Using the QC890 Verifier with Bluetooth Devices
Note: When using USB or RS-232 interfaces, the Bluetooth communication
interface automatically turns off.
Scan the Bluetooth barcode below to enable the Bluetooth option. Default = Off.
Once the Bluetooth option is enabled, scan the appropriate barcode that follows
to connect to a PC or laptop, or a PDA/Mobility Systems device.
To establish a Bluetooth connection to a PC or a laptop, scan the barcode below,
follow the instructions supplied with your Bluetooth device to locate the QC890
Verifier, and connect to it. If you go out of range with your QC890 Verifier, the
QC890 Verifier automatically reconnects to the Bluetooth device once you come
back in range. When Bluetooth communication is enabled, the default is PC/
Bluetooth On
* Bluetooth Connection - PC/Laptop