Safety Precautions; Installation Instruction - Nespresso ZENIUS Manual De Instrucciones

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Safety precautions

Read these instructions carefully before using
your new co ee machine for the first time. Im-
proper use of the machine releases Nespresso
from any liability.
Caution – W hen you see this sign, pl ease refer
to the safety precautions to avoid possibl e harm
and dam age.
I nform ation – W hen you see this sign, pl ease
take note of the advice for the correct and safe usa-
ge of your co ee m achine.
1 I n case of an em ergency: im m ediatel y rem ove the
pl ug from the pow er socket.
2 Onl y pl ug the appl iance into suitabl e and easil y
accessibl e, earthed m ains connections.
3 The use of incorrect connection voids the w ar-
4 Chil dren shoul d never use the appl iance w ithout
cl ose adul t supervision.
5 This appl iance is not intended for use by persons
( incl uding chil dren) w ith reduced physical , sen-
sory or m ental capabil ities or l ack of experience
and know l edge unl ess they have been given ini-
tial supervision or instruction concerning the use
of the appl iance by a person responsibl e for their
6 Check that the vol tage quoted on the rating pl ate
is the sam e as your m ains vol tage.
7 Use onl y the specific pow er cord del ivered w ith the
m achine, m ount it in the bottom of the m achine as
m entioned in the user m anual .
8 Your m achine is m ade for indoor use onl y.
9 Do not put the fingers under the co ee or hot w a-
ter outl ets, risk of scal ding.
10 Al w ays fil l the w ater tank w ith potabl e w ater.
11 Em pty w ater tank if co ee m achine w il l not be
used for an extended tim e ( hol idays etc. ) .
12 Repl ace w ater in w ater tank before co ee m a-
chine is put into operation after a w eekend or a
sim il ar period of tim e.
13 Al w ays cl ose the l ever com pl etel y and never l ift
it during operation. Scal ding m ay occur. Do not
put fingers into the capsul e insertion sl ot or the
capsul e ej ection. Danger of inj ury!
14 I f a capsul e is bl ocked into the capsul e com part-
m ent, turn the m achine o and unpl ug it before
any operation. Cal l Nespresso Business Sol utions.
15 To avoid hazardous dam age, never pl ace the ap-
pl iance on or beside hot surfaces such as heating
pl ate, radiators, stoves, ovens, gas burners, open
flam es, or sim il ar. Al w ays pl ace it on a flat, stabl e
and even surface, aw ay from w ater spl ashes. The
surface m ust be resistant to heat and fluids, l ike
w ater, co ee, descal er, or sim il ar.
16 Pl ace this product 20cm from the body of the user
or nearby person.
17 Rem ove the pl ug from the m ains socket if you w il l
not be using the m achine for an extended tim e
( hol idays) . Before cl eaning and servicing, rem ove
the pl ug from the m ains socket and l et the m a-
chine cool dow n. Do not unpl ug by pul l ing the
pow er cord.
18 Do not use the m achine if it is not operating per-
fectl y or if it show s any sign of dam age. I n case
of any m al function or dam age, cal l your nearest
Nespresso Business Sol utions.
19 Al l operations other than norm al use, cl eaning,
and servicing m ust be perform ed by the Nespresso
authorized after-sal es centre.
The w arranty does not appl y to any defect resul t-
ing from accident, negl igence, m isuse, fail ure to
fol l ow the product instructions, cal cium deposits,
im proper or inadequate m aintenance, norm al
w ear and tear, use on current or vol tage other
than as m arked on the product, product al tera-
tion, fire, l ightening, flood or external causes.
20 Never im m erse the m achine, pow er cord or pl ug
in w ater or any other l iquid.
21 Keep the pow er cord out of reach of chil dren.
22 Never l eave the pow er cord near or in contact
w ith hot parts of the m achine, a source of heat,
or a sharp edge.
23 W hen the pow er cord or pl ug is dam aged, you
m ust not use the m achine. I n order to avoid dan-
ger, cal l your Nespresso Business Sol utions to have
the defective part repaired or repl aced.
24 For your ow n safety, you shoul d use onl y parts
and accessories from Nespresso that are m ade for
your m achine.
25 Never use the m achine w ithout the drip tray or
the drip grid.
26 Al l Nespresso m achines m ust pass stringent con-
trol s. Rel iabil ity tests under practical conditions are
perform ed random l y on sel ected units. This can
show traces of any previous use.
27 The m anufacturer cannot be hel d l iabl e for any
dam age caused by not intended use or inappro-
priate handl ing of the m achine.
28 Descal ing:
contact w ith eyes, skin and surfaces. W e recom -
m end the Nespresso descal ing kit avail abl e from
Nespresso as it is specifical l y adapted to your m a-
chine. Do not use other products ( such as vinegar)
that w oul d a ect the taste of the co ee. For any
additional questions you m ay have regarding des-
cal ing, pl ease contact your Nespresso representa-
structions on the descal ing agent packaging and
fol l ow the instructions from the descal ing m anual .
purpose during the descal ing process.
to avoid any residual descal ing sol ution.
Household use
This appl iance is intended to be used in househol d
and sim il ar appl ications such as:
ing environm ents;
type environm ents;
This product has not been certified for use on pl a-
nes, boats, trains and autom obil es.
O ce use
Zenius is an Espresso co ee m aker ( or m achine) .
This appl iance is intended to be used by expert
or trained users in shops, in l ight industry and on

Installation instruction

chine: 55 cm .
This m achine w orks onl y w ith Nespresso
Pro capsu-
l es, avail abl e through Nespresso and its authorised
Pass them on to any subsequent user.
This instruction m anual is al so avail abl e as a PDF at
w w w . nespresso. com /pro.


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