Insert the load cell with the thrust piece and, if necessary, the pendulum
support, apply the enclosed grease to the load introduction parts.
Slowly lower the tank. The thrust piece above the load cell must center in
the centering flange of the upper module plate without suffering damage.
Vertically align the module by inserting or removing the five 1‐mm‐thick
spacer plates above the thrust piece of the load cell (see Fig. 7.2)
Mount and adjust the anti‐liftoff device by inserting spacer plates
underneath such that an air gap of about 1 mm results with the tank empty.
First adjust and then lock the horizontal stops. The U‐shaped bracket ac
counts for the stiffness of the stops and has to be fastened with the stop
screws. Please refer to the Specifications in Chapter 5 for the maximum
permissible horizontal shifts (distance from the stops). The stay rods al-
ready have been adjusted at the factory to ensure that the load introduc-
tion parts are aligned with the load cell in the rod direction. Should a read-
justment prove necessary, the rod end bearings subsequently have to be
carefully locked.
Notes for adjustment of the horizontal stops
Horizontal movability is ensured by the rubber‐metal or pendulum bearing.
The horizontal stops should be adjusted in compliance with the maximum per-
missible horizontal shift (see Chapter 5).
Precautions during operation:
Deposits such as dirt or corrosion particles from the tank can falsify
measurement results.
The limits for movability and loading capacity specified in the
Specifications must not be exceeded.
shifts that exceed the maximum permissible value and do not act
in the direction of the stay rod are to be avoided by aligning the other mod-
ules appropriately, or to be taken up by other stops or devices.
The movement tolerance of the stay rod should be checked regularly and
readjusted, if necessary.
A1867-2.0 en/de/fr/es