POWERGRIP YG-2 power console is intended for connected equip-
ment protection against overvoltage, power surges and network
interference of various kinds.
Due to a great number of digital power modules in the network there
is a large amount of high-frequency interference which disturbs the
operation of devices with traditional power modules. In POWER-
GRIP console different types of filters are used which enable isola-
tion of devices preventing their undesirable influence on each
other, as well as help avoid interference produced by the network.
Filters ensure minimum harmonic distortion and are able to gate
through large current impulses, unlike traditional power filters.
Switching relays operate using Zero cross technology: switching on
and off the load is performed while crossing zero point supply
voltage by the sinusoidal wave. Thanks to it, soft switch on and off
even of the most high-capacity energy users is provided.
Protection system consists of three levels:
• The first level includes the filters for absorption of interference
and minor surges.
• The second level includes varistors absorbing heavy voltage
surges in the network.
• The third level deenergizes the console in case the voltage devi-
ation in the network exceeds the permissible level.
Besides, POWERGRIP console is equipped with self-diagnostics
system. In case of failure connected equipment will be deener-
gized, and blinking indicators will inform the user of the arisen