Zero Operation
Center of Zero s ndcated by "ZERO" on the dsplay.
Press ZERO. "------" wll be dsplayed momentarly before the
dsplay s zeroed.
Changing Weighing Units
Press UNITS successvely to toggle through the avalable
weghng unts.
Check-Weighing/Counting, Percent Check
Compares the weght or quantty (count) of an tem aganst a pre-
set H-Lo range.
To ntate enterng H-Lo parameters, press CHECK. "00000.0"
wll be dsplayed (or the last value entered) wth the actve dgt
Enter the desred "H" lmt value (ex. 50g) by pressng or
to navgate across the dgts, and to ncrement the actve
dgt. Press Enter to set the dsplayed value.
"00000.0" wll be subsequently dsplayed (or the last value
entered). Enter the desred "Lo" lmt value (ex. 20g), then
press Enter to set the dsplayed value.
When the weght or quantty of tems placed on the pan s wthn
the H-Lo range,
"OK" s dsplayed and the check-alarm wll beep contnuously
wthn ths range.
To check-count, press CHECK n Countng Mode (dsplayed unt
s "pcs")
For Percent check, press CHECK n Percent Mode (dsplayed
unt s "%")