This insTrucTion Man u al
con Tains iMporTanT safeTy
read This
in sTruc Tion
care ful ly and
un der sTand all in for Ma Tion
Be fore op er aT ing This Tool.
• Al w ays operate, in s pect and
main t ain this tool in ac c or d ance
with Amer i c an Na t ion a l Stan d ards
In s ti t ute Safe t y Code of Por t a b le
Air Tools (ANSI B186.1) and any
oth e r ap p li c a b le safe t y codes
and reg u l a t ions.
• For safety, top per f or m ance and
max i m um du r a b il i t y of parts,
op e r a te this tool at
90 psig, 6.2 bar max
air pres sure with 3/8"
di am e ter air
sup p ly hose.
• Always wear impactresistant
eye and face
protection when
operating or
maintenance on this
• High sound levels can cause
permanent hearing loss.
Always use hearing
protection as
recommended by
your employer and
OSHA regulations
while using this tool.
• Keep the tool in ef f i c ient
op er at ing con di tion.
• Operators and main t e n ance
per s on n el must be phys i c al l y
able to han d le the bulk, weight
and pow e r of this tool.
• Compressed air can cause severe
injury. Never direct air at
yourself or others. Always turn
off the air supply, drain hose
of air pressure, and detach tool
from air supply before
installing, removing, or
adjusting any part or
accessory on this tool,
or before performing
any maintenance on this tool.
Failure to do so could
result in injury.
Whipping hoses can
cause serious injury.
Always check for and
replace any damaged,
frayed, or loose hoses
and fittings. Do not operate a
damaged or worn
tool. Do not use
quickdetach couplings
at tool. See instructions
for correct setup.
• Airpowered tools can vibrate
during use. Extended exposure
to vibration, repetitive motions,
or uncomfortable
positions during use
may be harmful to
your hands and arms.
Discontinue use of tool
if discomfort, tingling,
or pain occurs. Seek medical
advice before resuming use.
• Place the tool on the work
be f ore start i ng the tool. Do not
point or in d ulge in any horse p lay
with this tool.
• Slipping, tripping and/or falling
while operating air tools can be
a ma j or cause of se r i o us in j u r y or
death. Be aware of ex c ess hose
left on the walk i ng or
work surface.
• K eep body work i ng
stance bal a nced and
firm. Do not over r each
when op e r a t i ng the tool.
• Anticipate and be alert for sudden
changes in motion during use of
any power tool.
• Do not carry tool by the hose.
Pro tect the hose from sharp
ob jects and heat.
• Tool shaft may
con tin ue to ro tate
brief l y af t er throt t le is
re l eased. Avoid di r ect
con tact with ac ces so-
ries dur ing and af ter
use. Gloves will re d uce the risk
of cuts or burns.
• Keep away from ro t at i ng end
of tool. Do not wear jew e l r y or
loose clothing. Se c ure long hair.
Scalp i ng can occur if hair is not
kept away from tool and ac c es
so r ies. Chok i ng can
oc c ur if neck w ear is
not kept away from
tool and ac c es s o r ies.
• Do not lu b ri c ate
tools with flam m a b le
or vol a t ile liq u ids such as ker o
sene, die s el or jet fuel.
• Impact wrenches are not torque
con t rol devices. Fas t en e rs with
spe c if i c torque re q uire m ents
must be checked with suit a ble
torque measuring de v ic e s after
in s tal l a t ion with an im p act
• Use only impact wrench sock e ts
and ac c es s o r ies on this tool. Do
not use hand sock e ts and
ac c es s o r ies, as they may be
damaged or cause damage to the
equipment or operator.
• Do not force tool be y ond its
rat ed capacity.
• Do not remove any labels.
Re p lace any damaged labels.
• Use accessories rec o m m end e d by
NAPA Professional Air Tools.