On each stacker there is, on the left side in the movement direction, an identification tag
(1) - containing the main technical data.
The model is identified through an alphanumeric logo composed of:
- the W prefix followed by a number indicates the load expressed in kN (quintals)
- a bar used for separation
- a two digit number corresponding at the maximum height of the forks measured
from the level of the soil.
Other indications are represented by the safety signs warning the operator about the
potential dangers and prohibitions; especially:
(2) - this prohibition label, put at the sides of the fixed beam, shows that is strictly
prohibited to stay near the risen forks and that is absolutely impossible to use the
stacker for lifting persons: the triangle for crumbling danger warns that severe injuries
are likely to happen if particular attention is not paid during the lifting and descent
(3) - the hook symbol shows the point adapted for anchoring during the movement
operations: to have more information about it see page 13.
(4) - this sticker recommend to read the instruction manual and not circulate with the lifted
(5) - this sticker shows the position of the horn button
(6) - this sticker shows the position of the load lifting and descending buttons
(7) - this sticker shows the position of the start key / emergency stop
(8) - this sticker, placed on the left side of the mast, shows the residual load capacity at
the different lifting height.
The stacker was tested to operate under the following conditions:
1) On plane surfaces (that means with asperities of about 1 cm), horizontal an dry ones,
able to support the load due to the stacker passage with transported loads, (avoiding
the use on moist surfaces or polluted with grease, oil, soap etc which could
compromise the stability of the stacker and of braking action).
2) With a translation which could occur with lowered load at normal speed or with risen
load, only at a low speed and for routes relatively short or for manoeuvre for
unloading or piling.
3) The lifting / lowering should occur only with stopped stacker.
4) The load should be
- solid or contained in proper containers which could not be distorted and put on
inclined plane or pallets;
- of a load not over the nominal load of the stacker (shown on the identification tag part
- centrally situated regarding the inclined plane or the pallet in order to observe the
indications of this booklet and of the identification tag part 1;
- completely introduced on the forks of lifting device.
5) With good conditions of visibility and illumination;
6) With the operator in normal driving position, that means at the back of the tiller and on
the longitudinal axle of the stacker.