Choose cook menu
Glutin Rice
For cooking white rice with pressure.
For cooking brown rice or germinated
brown rice.
Used to cook Porridge.
For cooking various dishes by setting a
Multi Cook
time manually.
For removing odor after cooking or
Auto Clean
keeping warm.
• Pressing "PRESSURE COOK/Glutin Turbo" button twice after selecting "Glutin Rice" menu, and the
cooker will go for Glutin rice turbo cooking, which will cut rice cooking time. (It takes about 18 minutes
to cook white rice for 2 persons.)
Glutin Rice
• Use 'Glutin Rice Turbo' function only for cooking rice for less than 4 persons.
(Condition of rice will not be good for more than 4 persons.)
• If rice is soaked in water for around 20 minutes before cooking, then cook it by 'Glutin Rice Turbo'
function, the rice will taste better.
※ After cooking Glutin rice in 'Glutin Rice Turbo' mode or cooking small serving, discard water in the tray.
How to do Automatic Sterilization (Steam Cleaning)
Melanoizing effect
The cooked rice may turn to light yellow, formed by the absorption of residual water by rice. At this time, the
rice is the best in color and tastes.
In particular, "PRESET", when the rice grains are soaked for a long time, the fine starch precipitates at the
bottom of the pot, which is more obvious than the "normal cooking".
For cooking mixed rice with pressure.
For cooking baby food with pressure.
For cooking scorched rice.
High Heat
Use when cooking more sticky and
(Glutin Rice,
soothing Cooked Rice.
Mixed Ride,
(Melanozing effect could be increased.)
GABA Rice)
Pour water up to scale 2, make sure to close and lock the cover.
Method 1. After choosing automatic cleaning menu by pressing
"MENU/SELECT" button, and then press
"PRESSURE COOK/ Glutin Turbo" button.
Method 2. Press "AUTO CLEAN" in standby mode, then press
"PRESSURE COOK/ Glutin Turbo" button.