5. Function check
5.1 Intervals
Perform a function check before each use, but in any case at least every 6 months.
If you discover faults during the function check, you may not use the OXYWAY Click
distributor until the faults have been rectified.
5.2 Performing the function check
1. Check the distributor for visible mechanical damage.
2. Ensure that the click dials of the flowmeters are in position "0".
3. Connect the distributor to an oxygen cylinder using a pressure tube.
4. Check that the connections between the distributor, the pressure tube and the oxygen
cylinder are tight.
5. Slowly open the cylinder valve.
6. Now use the click dials to adjust all dial positions one after the other and in each case
check at the oxygen outlet whether the flow is rising in accordance with the setting.
7. Return the click dials to setting "0".
8. Check that the screwed connections on the distributor are tight.
9. Prepare a soap-and-water solution using perfume-free soap.
10.Wet all screwed and tube connections with the solution. If there are any leaks, you will
now find them, as bubbles will form.
11.Close the cylinder valve.
12.Depressurize the system by opening a metering unit until the pressure has dropped to
0 bar.
13.In the event of leaks, contact your distributor or the manufacturer, Weinmann.
The distributor is not a shutoff valve. Small amounts of oxygen can still
escape, even if the distribution points are completely closed. To shut off
the O
central gas supply.
Function check
supply, close the cylinder valve/disconnect the distributor from the