Never use force to insert the tube! During insertion, the cuffs must not be damaged.
Insert the tube either in the midline of the mouth or into the corner of the mouth while rotating the tube and
advance to the upper teeth mark (picture 4).
Use a syringe to inflate the cuffs with the recommended volume (see table) (picture 5).
Thanks to the high-volume low-pressure cuffs, a seal can already be achieved with low cuff pressures
(< 60 cmH
Connect the tube to a ventilation system (picture 6).
Ventilation must be checked each time the patient is repositioned.
Oxygen, air or anaesthesia gases can change the cuff volume or cuff pressure.
Excessive cuff pressure can lead to swelling of the tongue.
Reduce the cuff pressure to the Airway Leak Pressure and check regularly.
Use an appropriate procedure to check ventilation and exclude gastric insufflation.
If no sufficient ventilation can be verified, withdraw the tube with inflated cuffs between the teeth marks until
ventilation is easy an free flowing (large tidal volume with minimal airway pressure).
Check the cuff pressure again and adjust to the Airway Leak Pressure.
From size 2, insertion with the optionally enclosed biteblock is recommended.
Fix the tube as follows (picture 7):
Attach the biteblock to the intubated tube.
Guide the fixation tape around the patient's neck and attach it to the upper pin.
Fix the biteblock to the tube by wrapping it several times around the tube and the fixation plate. Then attach
the fixation tape to the lower pin.
The drain tube (see table) allows the insertion of a gastric tube or suction catheter.
Deflate the cuffs completely (picture 8).
Once the tube is in the correct position, it is well tolerated until the return of the protective reflexes.
Remove the tube in an area where suction equipment and the ability for rapid intubation are present.
Tube size
Colour coding ISO
connector 15 mm
Recommended cuff
Maximum cuff
Drain tube
Bronchoscopy via
ventilation lumen
External diameter of
the tube
< 5 kg 5 - 12 kg 12 - 25 kg 125 - 150 cm
10 ml
20 ml
10 Fr
< 3.0 mm
9 mm
35 ml
40 - 45 ml
60 cmH
16 Fr
< 4.0 mm
14 mm
< 155 cm
155 - 180 cm
50 - 60 ml
70 - 80 ml
18 Fr
< 6.0 mm
17.6 mm
> 180 cm
80 - 90 ml