Electrolux aims to raise awareness about the benefits of a green home. By selecting a
product from the Electrolux Green range you join the quest for setting new, modern
standards – for your home and our world.
What makes Electrolux Green vacuum cleaners green? First
of all, they are partially made from recycled plastic. What
others see as waste, we see as valuable raw material. This
approach saves resources, and puts plastic waste to good
use again instead of having it end up in landfills.
In our work, we scrutinise the proposed solutions of
the day to evaluate where we should focus our efforts and
energy. One of the sectors with the greatest potential for
change is source reduction at the production level – simply
put, using less new plastic. Electrolux strives to create and
support source reduction, in part by using recycled plastic.
When designing our vacuum cleaners we think about
their entire lifecycle. So the packaging too is made from ma-
terial that is recycled, and when the day comes to replace
the vacuum cleaner, 92% of its materials are recyclable.
We're also reducing the use of PVC plastic as much as pos-
sible – one of our models is already completely PVC-free.
Plastic is of course a material with many advantages. It is
used in an enormous range of products, from paper clips
to spaceships, due to its relatively low cost, ease of ma-
nufacture and versatility. But when plastic ends up in the
wrong place it becomes an environmental hazard. Plastic
is durable and degrades very slowly. The best way to stop
adding to this problem is to use less plastic and recycle as
much we can.
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Making Electrolux Green vacuum cleaners from recycled
plastic is a win-win situation. We get the raw material for our
products while at the same time reducing the need for crude
oil, and the world gets rid of some plastic garbage. You can
win too – the type of plastic we need is the type that's in old
garden chairs, computers, big plastic toys, and machines
like hairdryers, electric kettles and coffee machines. So
we are interested in any of these things that you don't use
anymore. Get rid of them and give them a new life as va-
cuum cleaners by handing them in to your nearest recycling
Green fact: Every Electrolux Green
Green fact: Every Electrolux Green
vacuum cleaner saves about 2
vacuum cleaner saves about 2
litres of crude oil and 80 litres of
litres of crude oil and 80 litres of
water during the manufacturing
water during the manufacturing
process. 90% less energy is needed
process. 90% less energy is needed
to produce the parts compared to
to produce the parts compared to
making them from virgin plastic.
making them from virgin plastic.
2013-04-19 16:55:11