Disconnect plug beside left standing lights and connect it with suitable joint in electric bunch. Connect remaining
plug of electric bunch to left standing lights.
Connect brown leads in 7-pin set, and brown and white/brown leads in 13-pin set to earth (for instance drill the 3mm
hole and connect and fix the eyelet terminal with sheet metal screw; do not secure the hole with anti-corrosion re-
Trailer power supply:
Refer to 13-pin version. 3-pin connector housing (red/blue, yellow, and white/brown cables) is provided for expan-
ded socket functions. Put this part of cable set behind the trim. To expand socket functions it is necessary to order
the following parts:
Function "current supply and earth"
Function "current supply, charge line and earth" part no. 015-069
Secure the cable set with supplied cable ties, re-install all trims and other parts which were removed during instal-
Connect the earth lead to the battery and check all vehicle functions with connected trailer or suitable testing de-
part no. 014-169