Oscilloscope function
This application permits checking the temperature and supply state of FOGGY at graphic level.
Time scale: selects the time scale on the vertical axis.
Traces to be displayed: enables trace display.
White line: indicates the current boiler temperature.
Yellow line: indicates whether the system is in SUPPLY IN PROGRESS(1), SUPPLY MAINTENANCE (2) or no
supply (3).
Event records
Access to this menu requires following the procedure according to the type of connection to be made
NOTE: in the case of a USB connection, the installation of the drivers could be required in order to recognize the
peripheral. If the drivers are not automatically recognized, the following path must be indicated to the system:
C:\Programmi\Xwin\Driver\ and the file fs-vcom.inf must be selected
Once connection has been made, after selecting the number of events to be downloaded, by pressing the "Download"
button, the system events will be displayed in chronological order.
By clicking with the Left button of the Mouse above the phone
image, we can check whether that event has been communicated
by TXT and to which phone profile (green box).
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White line
Yellow line