Menu shortcuts
You can access a specific menu using the ▲/▼ keys or by directly entering the key combination
corresponding to that menu (for example [MENU] [2] [9] to directly access the Delete menu).
0. Squelch
Keys shortcut [MENU] [0]
There are 10 levels available:
Level 0 - the squelch is open. The radio will receive all signals, even the weakest, but will also
receive background noise and unwanted signals.
Level 1 - 9. If you set the squelch to level 9, the radio will only receive stronger signals.
1. Frequency step (Step)
Keys shortcut [MENU] [1]
Options: 2.5/5.0/6.25/10.0/12.5/20.0/25.0/50.0 KHz
Note: In channel mode, this function cannot be changed.
User manual