Slot-in receiver cards (fig. 7)
Warning! The receiver cards must be sufficiently insulated from the parts of the host device which are powered
by the mains.
- The receiver card is inserted directly into an appliance which is designed to receive it and has the fol-
lowing electrical connections: 24V ac/dc between binding posts 3-4.
The receiver cards are fitted with two relays marked CH1 (N.O.) and CH2 (N.O./N.C.). The relays CH1 and
CH2 can be activated by selecting the functions A-B-C-D and made to correspond with the transmitter
channels CHA-CHB-CHC-CHD by setting the jumpers 'J1' situated on the circuit board (see fig. 7).
Mini receivers IP20 (fig. 8)
- The mini receiver is housed in an indoor container and is fitted with an 8-way terminal board with the
following electrical connections:
- 12V ac/dc between binding posts 7-8 - 24V ac/dc between binding posts 6-8.
The receivers are fitted with two relays marked CH1 (N.O.) and CH2 (N.O./N.C. ). The relays CH1 and CH2
can be activated by selecting the functions A-B-C-D and made to correspond with the transmitter channels
CHA-CHB-CHC-CHD by setting the jumpers 'J1' situated on the circuit board (see fig. 8).
Slot-in open collector receiver card (fig. 9)
The receiver card is inserted directly into an appliance, which is designed to receive it and has the following
electrical connections: 5 Vdc between pins 7-8.
To associate the functions CHA, CHB, CHC, CHD of the transmitters with the outputs 1 and 2, enter the
channel setting mode by inserting jumper J1 on the circuit board.
Led L1 will start to flash indicating the setting of channel CHA: the number of flashes per second indicates
which channel is being set. To select channels CHB-CHC-CHD press and release button P1 as many times
as necessary. (1 flash = CHA; 2 flashes = CHB; 3 flashes = CHC; 4 flashes = CHD).
Led L2 indicates the output associated with the channel as follows:
Permanently lit = output 1; Flashing = output 2; Off = no output. To change the output press P2.
Factory default setting; CHA output 1; CHB output 2; CHC - CHD no output
Attention! Remove jumper J1 after the procedure. The receiver will not function with the jumper inserted.