pairing your headset
1. Within the Settings' menu,
press X on Accessory Settings.
4. At the next screen, prepare your
headset (from off) to be paired
by holding down the power button
continuously until the LEDs flash
alternate Blue & Green. When it is
connected the LEDs will flash Blue
every 2 seconds. If not connected,
it will flash Green every 4 seconds.
04 | SETUP
All manuals and user guides at
2. Press X on the icon labelled:
3. Press X on Yes to register your
Manage Bluetooth® Device.
Bluetooth® Device.
5. Press X to Start Scanning. Once
6. Locate PS3 EX-02 from the list
the scan is complete, the PS3™
of available devices and press X.
will recognize all Bluetooth®
wireless technology devices
within range.
7. Press X to enter 0000 (four zeros)
8. You will be taken to a new screen
as the Pass Key and press X on OK.
stating: Register completed.
10. Scroll down and press X
11. Choose PS3 EX-02 as your input
on Audio Device Settings.
and output device from the lists.
Press X to confirm your choices.
9. Press
twice on your controller
to go back to Accessory Settings.
12. Scroll down and press X on OK.
Your EX-02 Next Gen Headset
is now ready to use...enjoy :)
SETUP | 05