will start flashing. Use the Up or Down Button to adjust the current month.
7.1.5. Press the Set Button once again to save the month setting and the date
will start flashing. Use the Up or Down Button to adjust the current date.
7.1.6. Press the Set Button once again to save the date setting and the day will
start flashing. Use the Up or Down Button to choose your desired day language
from Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, German and Dutch.
7.1.7. Press the Set Button once again to save the day language setting.
When the clock camera's LCD display shows standard mode, press the Up
Button to switch between 12-hour mode and 24-hour mode.
7.3.1. When the clock camera's LCD display shows standard mode, press the
Mode Button once to enter into alarm mode.
7.3.2. When the clock camera's LCD display shows alarm mode, press the Set
Button once and the hour will start flashing. Use the Up or Down Button to adjust
the hour.
7.3.3. Press the Set Button once again to save the hour setting and the minute
will start flashing. Use the Up or Down Button to adjust the minute.
7.3.4. Press the Set Button once again to save the minute setting and the Arabic
numeral will start flashing. Use the Up or Down Button to choose from 1 to 8,
indicating 8 different kinds of music.
7.3.5. Press the Set Button once again to save the music setting.
7.3.6. Press the Up or Down Button once, the alarm mark will appear on the LCD
display, indicating the alarm function has been enabled;
7.3.7. Press the Up or Down Button once again, the SNOOZE mark will appear
on the LCD display, indicating the SNOOZE function has been enabled;
7.3.8. Press the Up or Down Button once again, the alarm and SNOOZE mark
will both disappear on the LCD display, indicating the alarm and SNOOZE
function has been enabled.