1. Power Frequency : 50Hz/60Hz
Default setting is 50 Hz.
2. Sound: Shutter / Boot-up / Beep / Volume
• Shutter: On / Off
Sets the camera's shutter sound.
• Boot-up : On / Off
Sets the your camera's power on sound
• Beep: On/Off
Turns on or off the camera's operation sound.
• Volume: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Sets the volume of your camera's operation sound.
3. FOV (Adjustable wide angle): Wide/ Medium/ Narrow
Default setting is Wide.
4. Microphone: Built-in/ External
Set the ways of audio record, you can choose record audio with
external microphone or without external microphone.
5. AWB: Auto / cloudy / daylight / Incandescent / Fluorescent / Snow
AWB (Auto White Balance) lets you adjust the color temperature of
videos and photos to optimize for cool or warm lighting conditions.
When you change this setting, the IPS display immediately shows you
the effect on your image.