Description of Connecting the Parking Brake Line to the Parking Brake SystemBuilt
in the Car
Note: after connecting the Parking Line, the video on the small monitor of the front panel will be display only
after applying the e-brake.
1.8 Unit installation
Installation instructions
The unit is installed to be an anti-theft one. the chassis of the unit wears a slidingmetal housing. please dothe
connection of the power, speakers and antenna according to the requirement of the instruction book , then
install the sliding metal housing in the car as follows.
Dash board
Sliding metal housing
To drawthe chassis out of the
sliding metal housing, insert
plates into the right position
of the 2 sides of chassis.
All manuals and user guides at
Parking brake switch
(inside the car)
To boost up the capability of
anti-jamming, please fix the on the
metal connected tothe bottom
metal strap bracket of the car.
the left and right key
Parking brake line(Green)
To metallic body or
chassis of the car
Select the proper tab
for fixingthe sliding
metal housing.
Unit chassis
Plastic trim