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Burr Calibration
of the VARIO
A secondary 2mm allen head cali-
bration screw has been added. It
is located in the round hole be-
tween the discharge chute and the
calibration grommet (see photo).
This calibration screw allows the
user to easily adjust the calibra-
tion in the finer direction while the
grinder running.
To make the adjustment, empty all
beans from the grinder, lower the
Macro and Micro levers all the way
to the bottom and run it briefly to
expel any partially ground coffee.
Press the Manual button and then
the Start button. While the grinder
is running, raise the Macro arm all
the way to the top (Espresso). You
should not hear any change in mo-
tor speed. Now raise the Micro arm
up the midpoint. You should begin
to hear the motor slow (or labor a
little). If not, use the special Vario
tool (see photo) provided with your
grinder. Insert the tool and turn in
the finer direction until you begin to
hear the motor slow or labor. You
are done! If you do not have a tool
you can substitute a 2mm Allen
wrench and turn clock wise while
looking up at it.