Contact with muffler
result in serious
area can
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damage fuel tank causing a fire.
* DONOT touch hot partsandAVOIDhot exhaustgases.
* Allowequipment t o cool beforetouching.
Keepat least5 feet (152cm) of clearance on all sidesof
pressure washerincludingoverhead.
* Codeof Federal R egulation (CFR) T itle 36 Parks,Forests, a nd
PublicPropertyrequireequipment p oweredby an internal
combustion engineto havea sparkarrester,maintained in
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDA Forestservice
standard 5100-1Cor later revision.Inthe Stateof California a
sparkarresteris required undersection4442 of the California
Publicresources code.Otherstatesmay havesimilar laws.
How to Stop Your Pressure Washer
Releasespray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
Move throttle to SLOW position, then STOPposition.
Backfire, fire or engine damagecould occur.
DONOTstopenginebymovingchokeleverto "Cheke"position.
ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, press red
button and squeeze spray gun trigger to releaseretained
high water pressure.
IMPORTANT:Spray gun traps high water pressure, even
when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
. Keephigh pressurehoseconnected to pumpand spraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
* ALWAYS pointspraygun in safedirection,pressred button
and squeeze spraygun trigger,to releasehigh pressure, e very
time youstop engine.
How to Use Accessory Tray
The unit is equipped with an accessory tray with places to
store your Quick Connect spray tips, spray gun and spray tip
extension. There is also a hook at the front of the accessory
tray to hold your high pressure hose. Identify all accessories
with the illustration on page 6.
NOTE:The extra hole in the tray is for storing a utility brush.
The extra clip in the tray is for storing a turbo spray tip. The
brush and turbo spray tip are NOT included with your
pressure washer. You can buy these items as optional
Placespray tip extension through hole on accessory
tray, as shown.
Placespray gun through hole on accessory tray on right
side of unit.
Insert multi-colored Quick Connectspray tips in spaces
provided in accessory tray.
Hang high pressure hose on hook attachedto accessory
tray on front of tray as shown.
How to Use Spray Tips
The quick-connect on the spray tip extension allows you to
switch between four different quick connect spray tips. Spray
tips can be changed while pressure washer is running once
spray gun trigger lock is engaged. The spray tips vary the
spray pattern as shown on next page.
Followthese instructionsto changespray tips:
Puil back collar on quick-connect and pull current spray
tip off. Store spray tips in holder provided on accessory
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
)ossible amputation.
NEVER exchange QuickConnect s praytips withoutthe trigger
lockedon thespraygun.
DONOTtwist QuickConnect s praytips whilespraying.