él y que se haya probado que es defectuosa por fallos de mano de obra o de material. Avdel UK Limited sigue una política de desarrollo continuo, por lo que se reserva el derecho a modificar las especificaciones de cualquier producto sin previo aviso.
17 La máquina debe utilizarse siempre conforme a la legislación de seguridad y salud vigente. En el Reino Unido se aplica la “Health & ® Safety at Work Act 1974”. Cualquier pregunta referente al funcionamiento correcto de la máquina debe dirigirse a Avdel PRECAUCIONES AVDEL RECOMIENDA UTILIZAR SOLAMENTE UNIDADES HYDRAPAC PARA ACCIONAR HERRAMIENTAS DE COLOCACIÓN,...
U s o p r e v i s t o La Herramienta de colocación T30 es básicamente un conjunto formado por un pistón y un cilindro. Cuando se acopla hidráulica y eléctricamente a una fuente de potencia hidráulica compatible y se conecta el conjunto de boquilla correspondiente, se utiliza para ®...
P u e s t a e n s e r v i c i o P r i n c i p i o d e f u n c i o n a m i e n t o IMPORTANTE Lea atentamente las normas de seguridad de la página 4 Cuando ambas mangueras y el cable de control están conectados al HydraPac, los ciclos de tracción y retorno de la herramienta se...
M a n t e n i m i e n t o I n s t r u c c i o n e s d e d e s m o n t a j e IMPORTANTE Asegúrese de apagar el HydraPac antes de extraer la herramienta o la boquilla. •...
M a n t e n i m i e n t o P u rg a d o d e l a h e r r a m i e n t a • Acople las mangueras de herramienta cortas directamente a un HydraPac o a una fuente de potencia hidráulica compatible. Nota: No utilice mangueras largas, ya que pueden impedir que el aire salga hacia el HydraPac.
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e c o n f o r m i d a d Avdel UK Limited, Watchmead Industrial Estate, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 1LY declara bajo su única responsabilidad que el producto: Modelo: 73412-02000 Con número de serie...
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Los datos mostrados están sometidos a cambio sin previo aviso como resultado de la política de desarrollo y mejora continua del producto. Su representante local de Avdel está a su disposición en caso de que necesite confirmar la...
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I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l O r i g i n a l I n s t r u c t i o n T 3 0 I n s t a l l a t i o n To o l Hydro-Electric Power Tool...
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Avdel UK Limited policy is one of continuous product development and improvement and we reserve the right to change the specification of any product without prior notice.
17 The machine shall at all times be operated in accordance with relevant Health & Safety legislation. In the UK the "Health & Safety at ® Work Act 1974" etc applies. Any question regarding the correct operation of the machine must be directed to Avdel CAUTIONS AVDEL RECOMMENDS THAT ONLY HYDRAPAC UNITS BE USED TO DRIVE INSTALLATION TOOLS, AS OTHER MAKES OF HYDRAULIC POWER UNITS MAY NOT OPERATE AT THE SAFE DESIGNED WORKING PRESSURES.
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s I n t e n t o f U s e The T30 Installation Tool is basically a Piston and Cylinder Assembly. When coupled Hydraulically and Electrically to a compatible ®...
P u t t i n g I n t o S e r v i c e IMPORTANT Read the safety rules on page 4 carefully P r i n c i p l e o f O p e r a t i o n When both hoses and control cord are connected to the HydraPac, the pull and return cycles of the tool are controlled by depressing and releasing the trigger switch located in the handle respectively.
M a i n t e n a n c e To B l e e d t h e To o l • Couple the short Tool Hoses directly onto a HydraPac or compatible hydraulic power source. Note: Do not use long extension hoses as these will prevent the air from escaping into the HydraPac. •...
S e r v i c i n g t h e To o l D a i l y • Check for oil leaks. • Check the stroke of tool. • Check for worn anvil indicated by score marks on the installed collar. This can also be confirmed by referring to the installed data in the fastener catalogue.
F a u l t D i a g n o s i s S y m p t o m P o s s i b l e C a u s e R e m e d y P a g e R e f Tool fails to operate Inoperative HydraPac...
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F a u l t D i a g n o s i s S y m p t o m P o s s i b l e C a u s e R e m e d y P a g e R e f Jaw segments do not Improper operation of jaw Check internal parts of the...
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D e c l a r a t i o n o f C o n f o r m i t y We, Avdel UK Limited, Watchmead Industrial Estate, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 1LY declare under our sole responsibility that the product: Model: 73412-02000 Serial No.
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This document is for informational purposes only. Infastech makes no warranties, expressed or implied, in this document. Data shown is subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuous product development and improvement policy. Your local Avdel representative is at your disposal should you need to confirm latest information.