B1.5 Hydraulic checks after installation
After opening the water upstream of the equipment check for leaks;
Check for the correct installation of the pump in order to facilitate ordinary maintenance operations.
1) Verify the presence of a by-pass circuit that permits the exclusion of the pump and the presence of sampling
faucets upstream and downstream of the pump.
2) Check the correspondence of the system to any rules or recommendations issued by the competent local
area offices.
3) Check periodically that AcquaSIL 2/15
to decrease proportionally with water treated). If this is not the case, please contact Acqua Brevetti Srl
(telephone: +39.(0)49.8973432 e-mail info@acquabrevetti.it).
B1.6 Allowed installation schemes
Install MiniDUE FILTRO according to the following scheme. Any other configuration may lead to the non proper
working of the device. Do not over close the connections.
In case of doubt please contact Acqua Brevetti Srl (Tel.: +39.(0)49.8973432 or send an e-mail info@acquabrevetti.it).
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is regularly consumed (the amount of product inside the refill bag has
To drain