Not enough heat
Heat not distributed evenly over
griddle surface
Yellow flames
Incomplete flame
Flash-backs (flames outside
venturis/at control knobs)
Flames higher than edge of
Pressure regulator hums
Burner whistles when set to
Impossible to light burner
(using either igniter or match)
Sparks present that do not
originate from burners
Probable cause(s)
Gas supply not open
Venturis not placed over openings of gas valves
Burner openings blocked
Gas cylinder (almost) empty
Pressure regulator not connected correctly to
cylinder and/or hose
Some heat differences are normal.
Probable cause(s) for big heat differences:
Appliance not preheated
Burners or venturis blocked
Salt on burners
Appliance connected to butane
Burner blocked, pierced or rusted
Burners or venturis blocked
Lots of wind
Gas cylinder (almost) empty
Fat in bowl or on burners
Hot weather
New (full) gas cylinder
Gas injector, venturi and/or burner dirty
Burner or venturi blocked
No gas supply
Faulty wiring
Open gas supply
Place venturis over openings of gas valves
Clean burner openings or replace burners
Replace gas cylinder
Reconnect pressure regulator to cylinder and/
or hose
Preheat appliance
Clean burners and venturis
Clean burners
Connect appliance to propane, using an
appropriate pressure regulator
Clean or replace burner
Close gas supply and set burners to OFF.
Let appliance cool down.
Clean burners and venturis.
Put appliance with rear side towards wind
Replace gas cylinder
Clean bowl or burners
Not a hazard or defect. Should stop automatically
after a while.
Clean gas injector, venturi and burner
Clean burner and venturi
Open gas supply and press safety knob on
pressure regulator (not present on all regulators)
Replace wiring