6.2 Replacing the burn plates/inner
Fig. 17
1. Take out the baffl e/exhaust defl ector (see 6.1 - Replacing
the baffl e/exhaust defl ectors)
2. Take out the side burn plates (Fig. 17 - 1).
3. Take out the rear burn plates (Fig. 17 - 2).
Fig. 18
4. Lift out the ash grate (Fig. 18 - 1) and inner bottom plate
(Fig. 18 - 2).
5. When refi tting, follow the same procedure in reverse order.
7.0 Maintenance
7.1 Cleaning and soot removal
Soot deposits may build up on the internal surfaces of the
fi replace during use. Soot is a good insulator and will therefore
reduce the fi replace's heat output. If soot deposits accumulate
when using the product, they can easily be removed by using
a soot remover.
In order to prevent a layer of water and tar from forming in the
fi replace, you should regularly allow the fi re to burn hot in order
to remove the layer. Your product should be cleaned internally
once a year to ensure the best heating eff ect. It is a good idea
to do this when cleaning the chimney and fl ue pipes.
7.2 Sweeping the fl ue pipe to the
Flue pipes must be swept through the fl ue pipe sweeping hatch
or through the door opening. The baffl e and exhaust defl ectors
must be removed fi rst.
7.3 Cleaning the glass
The product is equipped with an air wash for the glass. Air is
sucked in through the air vent on the top of the product and
down along the inside of the glass.
However, some soot will always stick to the glass, but the
quantity will depend on the local draught conditions and
adjustment of the air vent. Most of the soot layer will normally
be burned off when the air vent is opened all the way and a fi re
is burning briskly in the fi replace.
Good advice! For normal cleaning, moisten a paper towel with
warm water and add some ash from the burn chamber. Rub it
over the glass and then clean the glass with clean water. Dry
well. If it is necessary to clean the glass more thoroughly we
recommend using a glass cleaner (follow the instructions on
the bottle).
7.4 Inspection of the fi replace
We recommend that you carefully inspect your fi replace yourself
after it has been swept/cleaned. Check all visible surfaces for
cracks. Also check that all joints are sealed and that the gaskets
are in the correct position. Any gaskets showing signs of wear
or deformation must be replaced.
Thoroughly clean the gasket grooves, apply ceramic glue
(available from your local Scan dealer) and press the gasket well
into place. The joint will dry quickly.
7.5 Exterior maintenance
Painted products may change colour after they have been used
for several years. The surface should be cleaned and brushed free
of any loose particles before new paint is applied.