7.12 Data Transfer
A possibility is realised, of data transfer (SW and/or channels database) from the Receiver to Flash-store,
via USB interface.
The sequence of operations:
1. Switch the Receiver ON.
2. Insert the FLASH-store into the USB port.
3. Enter the menu Installation -> Data Transfer.
4. Depress the BLUE button [21]. A message would be displayed: Please, wait data transfer would start.
5. Upon completion of the transfer of SW the Receiver would be switched into the Installation menu.
7.13 Conditional access
7.13.1 Common Interface
This Menu item allows to obtain information about
the module of conditional access.
Upon installation of the access module, the line CI:
No module takes on the form of CI: Initialization.
Upon completion of the process of initialization,
the name of the module would be displayed.
If the message about initialization does not change
to the message CI: Name of module of conditional
access even after a prolonged period of time, then
the module can either be faulty or incorrectly
installed. Check the correctness of installation of
the module.
Refer to description of your access module for description of its Menu and settings.
7.13.2 Smart card
This Receiver enables access to the programmes broadcasted with the help of the DRE-Crypt system
of conditional access.
In case where the access smart card is not installed, while watching a coded channel a the TV screen
would display the message: Coded channel (name of coding).
Install the DRE-Crypt access smart card into the slot. The contact pad (goldish) of the smart-card shall
be from above, and direction of the arrow available near the pad shall coincide with the direction of
installation of the card into the slot.
In case of switching to the channels in DRE-Crypt coding, a delay of decoding for several seconds can be
possible, as well as displaying of information banner: Coded channel (DRE).
ID of the access card can be seen in the item of Card Information in the Smart card Menu.