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Kopieren, Reproduktion, Weitergabe - ganz oder teilweise ohne Zustimmung von 4Kraft Sp. z o.
o. kann rechtliche Konsequenzen haben
Thank you for choosing a product by Kinderkraft.
Our designs are child-oriented – safety and quality always comes first, stay comfortable
knowing that you have made the best choice.
• Neverيleaveيtheيchildيunattended.ي
• Highيchairs:يAlwaysيuseيtheيrestraintيsystem.
• Fallingيhazard:يPreventيyourيchildيfromيclimbingيonيtheيproduct.
• Doيnotيuseيtheيproductيunlessيallيcomponentsيareيcorrectlyيfittedيandيadjusted
• Beيawareيofيtheيriskيofيopenيfiresيandيotherيsourcesيofيstrongيheatيinيtheيvicinityيofي
• Beيawareيofيtheيriskيofيtiltingيwhenيyourيchildيcanيpushيitsيfeetيagainstيaيtableيorي
• Alwaysيcheckيtheيsecurityيandيtheيstabilityيofيproductيbeforeيuse.
• Makeيsureيthatيanyيharnessيisيcorrectlyيfitted.
• Doيnotيmoveيorيliftيtheيproductيwhileيtheيchildيisيinside.
• Do not use the product until the child can sit up unaided.
• Keep children away when assembling and disassembling the product to avoid injury.
• High chair is intended for children able to sit up unaided and up to 3 years or a
maximum weight of 15 kg.
• Don't use the product if any part is broken, torn or missing.
• Product located under a window could be used as a step by the child and cause the
child to fall out of the window.
• Accessories or replacement parts other than those approved by the manufacturer
must not be used.
• Childيseatيmode: Recommended age: from 36 months to 10 years, max 35 kg.