Baxi Roca R-20/20 F Clima Instrucciones De Instalación página 17

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Idiomas disponibles
  • MX

Idiomas disponibles

  • MEXICANO, página 13
Conect the Neutral lead to terminal 'N'.
lf the installation has an ambient thermostat,
remove the jumpers across terminals 'Tl' and
'S3' and connect the thermostat wires to them. lf
the thermostat features an anticipatory resistor,
wire this to terminal 'T2', as shown in Fig. 2.
The male connector (plug) is located at the
bottom left side of the boiler. See Fig. 3.
Ensure that the multiple connector is properly
positioned. lt must be pushed fully home.
Remember that if the power supply to the boiler
is to be isolated, this connector must be
NB The earth connection is obligatory.
lnstallation and Assembly
Both the boiler and chilled water modules should
be mounted on a resistant Wall, using adequate
They should not be placed over cookers or other
cooking devices giving off steam or gases.
They can be mounted between kitchen
Please observe current regulations applicable
to thís type of apparatus: condítíon of the room
where ít ís to be ínstalled, evacuation of flue
gases, etc.
Water connections
Depending on the type of heat/cool emítter used,
the ínstallatíon should be as follows:
1. Four-pípe system. lt wíll consíst of two círcuits:
one for radíator for heat rejectíon, and another
wíth fan-coíls for cooling.
2. Two-pípe system. A síngle círcuít for heat/
cool rejectíon, usíng fan-coíl uníts. In thís case,
a non-return valve should be ínstalled ín both
the DHW and cold water outlets. Basíc
Díagram of Two-pípe System. See Fíg. 12
Note: Confígure the microswitches (See G.
Page 10) according to the circuit adopted.
Location and water connections
A wall-mountíng jíg ís supplíed, on whích the
boíler and chílled water modules should be
mounted. See Fíg. 6.
Water connetions
Once the wall-mountíng jíg has been secured
onto the wall and the pre-plumbíng jíg has been
properly posítíoned wíth all íts fíttíngs, connect
all these fíttíngs to the ínstallatíon pípework. Do
not forget to remove the gaskets when solderíng
the connectíons so as to avoíd damagíng them.
Conduct the hydraulíc test as dírected ín the
ínstructíons that come wíth the wall-mountíng jíg.
Remove the jíg after the test.
Remove the plastíc caps from the boíler
Líft the boíler, place ít ín front of the upper legs of
the wall-mountíng jíg and ríg ít ínto place.
Ensure that the boíler ís ín an upríght posítíon.
Mount the chílled water module on the jíg.
Tíghten the varíous water and gas connectíons.
ldentification of boiler valves
See Fíg. 7.
15 – Safety valve (1/2").
16 – CH flow (3/4").
17 – DGW outlet (1/2").
18 – Gas ínlet (3/4").
19 – Cold water ínlet (3/4").
20 – CH return (31'4").
25 – Heatíng Circuít fíll valve.
26 – Heatíng Círcuit drain cock.
Flue system
Assemble the varíous components supplíed as
shown in Fíg. 8.
Connect the elbow to the boíler flue socket wíth
the desired configuration. lf it does not coíncide
wíth the fíxing holes, ít ís better to dríll the elbow
lf the outer duct has been cut, the ínner duct
must also be cut to the same length.
Make a Ø 110 openíng ín the outside wall and
allow the straíght run of pipe to slope down slíghtly
towards the outsíde.
The boiler module ís CE-certifíed for use wíth
the followíng types of flue ducts. See Fig. 9.
C12: Horízontal flue duct with dírect díscharge
to the outsíde aír. Maximum straight flue
length permíssíble ís 3 metres.
C32: Vertical flue wíth discharge above the roof.
Flue termínals of larger díameter available
on the market can also be used. In this
case, the maximum straíght flue length
permíssíble ís 8 metres.
C42: Horizontal flue duct connected to a common
stack 3CE type. (Common stack for room-
sealed boílers).
C82: Dual duct system - aír suctíon and flue
gas removal.
In all cases, please note that for every 90° flue
bend fítted, the maxímum length should be
reduced by 0.7 metres.
lnstalling the outdoor unit (condenser)
Leave enough space around the unit for
maíntenance and avoíd obstructíng the passage
of aír. See Fig. 10.
lt should be ínstalled directly outdoors.
Place the unit on a firm base and bolt it down.
Fitting the refrigerant lies
Please bear ín mínd that the refrígerant tubíng
should be as short as possible.
Standard installation
The maxímum dístances and dífference ín level
permíssí ble between the outdoor unít
(condenser) and the chílled water module
(evaporator) are shown ín Fíg. ll and ín the table
L (m): Maxímum length = 20 metres.
H (m): Maximum height or difference in level =7m.
Pipes to be used
Special care should be taken that the pípes used
for connectíng both uníts are kept clean and
dry, even before ínstallation. We advise keepíng
the followíng recommendatíons ín mind:
– Use only refrígerant quality copper tubing.
– Do not do outdoor work íf ít ís rainíng.
– The ends of pipes should be kept closed whíle
ínstallatíon ís ín progress.
– Do not leave the drier fílters or the compressor
open to the aír for more than one or two
– For solderíng, use rods with a low meltíng point;
they should contain a minimum of 5% sílver.
– During solderíng and whíle the pípe remains
hot, maíntaín a current of dry nítrogen, to
prevent the formatíon of oxídes and scale
ínsíde, whích could cause contamínatíon and
– In the copper-to-copper joínts, flux should not
be used.
– Connectíon to the uníts should be done by the
flared method.
Ensure the pipe is plugged suitably until the final
uníon ís made, thus preventing ingress of water,
dust, etc.
Lubricating the connections
Make sure to apply refrigerant lubrícant on the
correspondíng surfaces of the flare and the
uníon before connecting them. This ís effectíve
ín reducing gas leaks. See Fíg. 12.
Refrigerant line connections
Outdoor Unit
Outdoor Unit connection type Flared tube valve
Indoor Unit connection typ
Flared tube mut
Ø liquid line
3/8" (9,5 mm)
Ø gas line
5/8" (17,87 mm)
lnsulation of refrigerant tubing
The refrígerant línes must be ínsulated to a
minimum thíckness of 8 mm. See Fig. 13.
Sealing the pipe hole
Use a sealíng compound to fíll the hole in the
outsíde wall and make ít watertíght. See Fíg. 14.
Refrigerant charge
The nomínal charge of Refrígerant R-22 ís
calculated for a pípe length of 7.5 metres.
Nominal Charge
Additional Charge per
Adjusting the refrigerant charge
For pipe lengths greater or less than 7.5 metres,
the nominal quantíty of refrigerant should be
íncreased or decreased by 65g for every metre
length by whích the (3/8") líquíd líne has been
íncreased or decreased.
Leak detection
Once chargíng is complete, replace the caps on
the valves and check that there ís no leak of
refrígerant by usíng a leak detector. See Fíg. 15.
Control panel
See Fíg. 16.
Domestic Hot Water Temp. Control
CH Temperature Control
Lockout Reset
Summer (Domestic Hot Water Selection)
Wínter (CH and DHW Selectíon)
To íncrease the temperature
To lower the temperature
Cool Reset
Stop (Cooling)
Screen sym bols
Domestíc Hot Water Mode
CH and Domestic Hot Water Mode
Frost protection Stop
Domestic Hot Water operatíng
CH operating
Pressure ín Heatíng Circuit
Temperature of Heatíng or DHW Círcuit
Fault Codes (CH or Domestíc Hot Water)
Fault Codes (Cooling)
Lockout Reset (Cooling)
Cooling Mode in operation
Chilled Water Flow Temperature
Burners operating at full output
Burners operating at medium output
Burners operating at low output
metre of 3/8" pipe
65 g.
65 g.


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