AUTO — The AUTO indicator will be solid green when mower is in auto mode and
will flash slowly when mower is in manual mode with auto mode available (points
A and B have been set and GPS signal is good). The AUTO indicator is off when the
mower is not ready for auto mode.
NOTE: AUTO indicator will only flash after overriding auto mode by turning the
steering wheel slightly to the right or left or if the system loses GPS signal. Points
A and B remain set.
LEFT TURN BUTTON —Mower will perform an automated zero turn to the left
while in SurePath Auto Steer Mode.
RIGHT TURN BUTTON — Mower will perform an automated zero turn to the right
while in SurePath Auto Steer Mode.
SET LINE/ENGAGE AUTO BUTTON — Sets beginning (A) and ending (B) points for
automatic mowing. This button is also used to resume auto mode (press once after
system is disengaged).
NOTE: SET LINE/ENGAGE AUTO button also serves as the reset button to clear the
set line. See Clearing the Mowing Line section for more information.
Using SurePath Auto Steer Mode
Start the mower. See instructions provided in Starting the Engine section in the
Operator's Manual.
Indicator/Warning Lights will flash blue while the SurePath Auto Steer system
is initializing.
Once the system has initialized, Indicator/Warning Lights will begin flashing
green. The SurePath Auto Steer system is actively searching for GPS signal.
IMPORTANT! Machine should be outdoors, away from large trees and buildings in
order to acquire signal.
NOTE: Signal acquisition will take approximately 90 seconds.
Quick Reference & Troubleshooting Guide
Pro Z SurePath Auto Steer Series, Zero-Turn Commercial Mower
Once signal is acquired,
Lights will turn solid
System Initializing
green. The mower is now
ready for SurePath Auto
Attempting to Acquire Signal
Steer Mode. See table
for a list of Indicator/
Attempting to Acquire Signal but No
Cellular Connectivity Available
Warning Light colors
and descriptions.
Signal Acquired
Setting the
Mower Speed too Fast
Mowing Line
Set your mowing line
Grab and Turn Wheel to Override
SurePath Auto Steer Mode
by performing the
following steps:
No GPS Signal Available
• Determine the
No GPS Signal Available and No
first pass location,
Cellular Connectivity Available
picking a point on
*Also indicates a button press ignored by the system
the opposite side of
the area to be mowed.
• Drive in a straight line toward point chosen in the previous step and briefly
press the SET LINE/ENGAGE AUTO button on the Operator Control Panel to set
point A. The LINE indicator will begin flashing green when point A is set. See
image below.
• Continue driving in a straight line, travel a minimum of 10 yards (30 feet),
then briefly press the SET LINE/ENGAGE AUTO button on the Operator Control
Panel again to set point B. The LINE and AUTO indicators will turn solid green
when points A and B are set. See image below.
NOTE: PTO does not need to be engaged to set mowing line.
Once the AUTO indicator on the Operator Control Panel is solid green, the system is
activated for SurePath Auto Steer Mode.
Warning Lights
Flashing Blue
Flashing Green
Flashing Green
with Periodic Red
Solid Green
Flashing Yellow*
Flashing Red
Periodic Red