Using the Jig for Railings
International Residential Code Guardrail Requirements: Whether manufactured or site-built,
guardrail systems must be constructed and installed to meet International Residential Code (IRC)
live-load requirements. To be compliant, guardrails must withstand a 200-lb. (91-kg) load applied
in any direction.
Compared to manufactured guardrail systems, site-built guardrails constructed of typical
dimensional lumber are not as easy to build with certainty that the live-load requirement is met.
The Code sets performance standards but does not provide proscriptive detailing for guardrail
design. It is the responsibility of the designer, builder, and local code official to verify if a given
guardrail design meets the requirements.
Guardrail connections of the three styles shown here, constructed using the Pocket-Hole XL Jig,
meet the live load requirements specified in the IRC. (Testing covers only the connection of railing
members to posts, not the connection of the posts to the deck structure.) To meet requirements,
builders must execute these connections exactly as shown and use only structurally sound
materials. Materials with splits or excessive knots must not be used.
Guardrail materials and fasteners are exposed to the weather and are subject to degradation over
time. It is the homeowner's responsibility to periodically inspect the guardrail and perform any
maintenance required to ensure continued compliance with IRC live-load requirements.