CEMO 250 / 2 Manual Del Usuario página 11

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Page 5 of the General Construction Inspection Approval no. Z-40.22-420
of 24th January 2008
2.2.3 Labelling
(1) The containment devices must be labelled with the conformity
mark (Ü-mark) in compliance with the conformity directives of the
German states. The mark may be used only if the requirements of
Sec. 2.3 - Proof of conformity - are fulfilled.
(2) Moreover, the manufacturer of the containment devices must la-
bel them clearly and permanently with the following details:
– Manufacturing number;
– Year of manufacture;
– Containment volume (according to section 1.3)
– Material (PE-HD);
– Load bearing capacity of the bearing surface (grating);[according to
section 5.1.1 (9)]
– „Media stored according to General Construction Inspection Ap-
proval No. Z-40.22-420"
Proof of conformity
2.3.1 General
(1) Confirmation of the conformity of the containment device with the
conditions of this General Construction Inspection Approval must be
effected by every manufacturing factory with a manufacturer's con-
formity declaration based on the factory's own production controls
and an initial test (see annex 4, section 2) of the containment device
carried out by a test house that is approved to carry out this work.
(2) A copy of the initial test report must also be given by the manufac-
turer to the German Institute for Structural Engineering.
2.3.2. Manufacturer's internal production control
(1) The manufacturer must initiate and carry out production control in
the production plant. Manufacturer internal production control means
the required continual monitoring of production which assures that
the containment devices manufactured in the factory comply with the
conditions of this General Construction Inspection Approval.
(2) The in-house production control should include at least the mea-
sures listed in Annex 4, Sec.1.
(3) The results of the internal production control must be recorded
and analyzed. The records must contain at least the following data:
– Designation of the product produced or the starting material - Type
of control or test,
Date of manufacture and date of testing of the construction product or
the starting material, - Results of the controls and tests and comparison
with the requirements, - Signature of the person in charge of internal
production control.
(4)Records must be retained for at least five years. On request they are
to be shown to the German Institute for Structural Engineering and the
highest responsible building supervisory agency.
(5)If test results are unsatisfactory, the manufacturer must immediately
take the necessary steps to remedy the defect. Containment devices
which do not meet the requirements must be handled so that they cannot
be interchanged with compliant products. After the defect is remedied,
the failed test must be repeated, where this is technically feasible, in
order to prove that the fault has been cleared.
2.3.3 Initial testing by a recognised test house
Within the framework of the initial test, the product properties listed in
Annex 4, Sec. 2 are to be tested.
Page 6 of the General Construction Inspection Approval no. Z-40.22-420
of 24th January 2008
Design and dimensioning stipulations
(1) Because the containment devices as specified in this General
Construction Inspection Approval are not designed to sustain the
effects of a fire of 30 minutes duration without leaks occurring, sui-
table measures must be taken, when designing and dimensioning
the installation, to prevent fire transmission from the surroundings or
the origination of a fire within the installation itself. These include:
– a suitable extinguishing plan (fire alarms linked to the factory fire
fighting service, automatic extinguishing system),
– Reduction of the installation's fire load,
– Sufficiently large separations between installations containing
flammable liquids and between buildings and plant sections with
high fire loads (an an indication > 10 m),
– Fire protection dimensioning of the buildings or plant enclosures
in accordance with the draft standard DIN 18230-17 (for installa-
tions in buildings).
The measures are to be specified in agreement with the building
supervisory board and the fire brigade.
(2) The conditions for installing the containment devices are found
in the water, health and safety, and construction directives.
(3) The load bearing values of the bearing surfaces resulting from
the distance between grating supports should not be exceeded.
(4) The containment devices must be protected against impact by
vehicles, for example by a protected installation, use of collision
guards, or installing in special areas.
Installation stipulations
(1) When inserting, installing or re-positioning containment devices,
the operator of a storage facility is obliged to use only qualified
technical personnel (they need not however belong to a specialist
(2) The containment devices must be installed on a level, bend-
resistant base or a carefully compressed and fixed support surface
(e.g. a continuous 5 cm thick concrete or asphalt layer).
(3) Steps to remedy damage should be clarified in consultation
with an external plastics expert in water legislation or with the
manufacturer's own expert.
Conditions for use, maintenance, servicing, and testing
5.1.1 General
(1) It should be noted that the containment devices are only to be
used for their intended purpose.
(2) Containers/vessels containing water-polluting liquids with diffe-
rent compositions and properties may only be placed in a shared
containment device, if it is certain or can be proven that the mate-
rials will not react dangerously with each other should an escape
DIN 18230-1:1998-05; Structural fire protection in industrial buildings -
Part 1: determining the design fire resistance
External experts in water legislation, who are responsible for plastics
issues include those external experts who are listed in a known monitor-
ing agency for the approved construction material or have been desig-
nated by the DIBt for this purpose.


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