This procedure should only be completed by suitable qualified personnel. Only use Webtec
supplied burst discs.
The burst discs for the HV1500 are held within the pilot operated relief valve cartridge which
activates to relieve pressure when the burst discs rupture.
To replace the burst discs first remove the burst disc holder from the relief valve cartridge as
shown in step 1.
Step 1. Removal of burst disc holder from the relief valve cartridge.
Burst disc holder
c\w spare discs
Remove the burst disc holder/catcher with a suitable socket and extract the burst discs and
spacer as shown in step 2. Discard ruptured burst discs!
Step 2. Disassembly of burst disc holder adaptor.
Burst disc
Using new burst discs (one either side of the burst disc spacer - see step 3) insert one into the
holder/catcher, followed by the burst disc spacer and then the second burst disc. Screw the burst
disc holder/catcher back into the top of the holder body and tighten to a torque of 55 Nm (40 lb/ft).
When tightened to the correct torque the burst discs will form around the spacer, and if
removed, will appear like those in the image at step 4.
Burst disc replacement
Relief Valve