1. EMC requirements
- Emission
1.1. Radiated emission
1.2. Conducted emission
- Immunity
1.3. 1MHz damped oscillatory
1.4. Electrostatic discharge
1.5. Radiated radiofrequency
electromagnetic fields
1.6. Electrical fast transients
1.7. Surge
1.8. Conducted disturbance
induced by radio frequency fields
1.9. Voltage dips, short
interruptions and voltage variations
1.10. Ripple on DC input power
1.11. Power frequency magnetic
1.12. 100KHz damped oscillatory
1.13. Pulse magnetic fields
IEC 60255-26
Radiated emission limit for Class A (group 1
for EN 55011) on Enclosure port. Frequency
EN 55022
range 30MHz - 230MHz (Quasi Peak
EN 55011
40dBμV/m). Frequency range 230MHz -
1000MHz (Quasi Peak 47dBμV/m)
IEC 60255-26
Conducted emission limit for Class A (group
1 for EN 55011) on Auxiliary power supply
EN 55022
port. Frequency range 0.15MHz – 0.5MHz
EN 55011
(Quasi Peak 79μV, Avg 66μV). Frequency
range 0.5MHz – 30MHz (Quasi Peak 73μV,
Avg 60μV)
IEC 60255-26
Class 3, Repetition frequency 400Hz,
Duration of each application 3s.
IEC 61000-4-18
Common mode for all terminals ±2.5kV.
Differential mode for all terminals excepts
Communication port ±1kV
IEC 60255-26
Level 4, Contact discharge ±8kV. Air
discharge ±15kV
IEC 61000-4-2
IEC 60255-26
Level 3, Test field strenght 10V/m,
Frequency 80MHZ - 1000MHz and 1400MHz
IEC 61000-4-3
- 2000MHz, AM Modulation 80% for 1KHz
carrier sinusoidal signal
IEC 60255-26
Level 4, Power supply to Earth terminals
±4kV, Signal and control terminals ±2kV.
IEC 61000-4-4
Repetition frequency 5KHz, Burst duration
IEC 60255-26
Level 4, Line to earth for all terminals ±4kV.
Line to Line for all terminals excepts
IEC 61000-4-5
Communication port ±2kV
IEC 60255-26
Level 3, Applied voltage 10V, Frequency
0.15MHz - 80 MHz, AM Modulation 80% for
IEC 61000-4-6
1KHz carrier sinusoidal signal, Dwell time
1s., Test duration >10s.
IEC 60255-26
DC Voltage Dips: 40%, 130ms and 70%,
100ms, 3 times every 10s.
IEC 61000-4-11
DC Voltage Interruption: 100ms, 3 times
IEC 61000-4-29
every 10s.
IEC 60255-26
Level 4, Ripple 15%, 50Hz and 100Hz
IEC 61000-4-17
IEC 60255-26
Level 5, Continuous field strenght 100 A/m.
Short field strenght for a duration of 3s.
IEC 61000-4-8
1000 A/m. Frequency 50Hz.
IEC 61000-4-18
Class 3, Repetition frequency 40Hz,
Duration of each application 3s.
mode: ±2.5kV. Differential mode: ±1kV
IEC 61000-4-9
Field strenght 1000 A/m, Cadence between
pulses 40s.
Rev. 35