Place the lid (3) with the sealing ring (4) fitted on the
multifunctional container (6). As you do so, make sure
that the spout with the flap is pointing towards the
front of the multifunctional container (6).
Warning about property damage
The two lugs (A) must fit into the corresponding
recesses (B) so that the lid (3) is fitted securely.
Otherwise, the drive mechanism could get damaged.
Place the motor unit (2) on to the lid (3). Hold the
motor unit (2) in one hand and the lid (3) in the other
and twist them gently against one another. The motor
unit (2) should rest in the two recesses in the lid (3)
and it should no longer be possible to twist it. It sinks
down slightly to ensure this.
SilverCrest SSZ 500 A1
English - 39