In order to assure that the boiler remains functional and efficient within the limits laid down by current legislation and/or
regulations, the boiler must be subjected to regular inspection.
The frequency of inspection depends on the installation and utilisation conditions, however an annual inspection by per-
sons authorised by Lamborghini Service is recommended. It is important to remember that the operations may only be
carried out by persons that have the necessary qualifications by law and specific knowledge in the field of safety, efficiency,
environmental hygiene and combustion. The same persons must also be up to date on the constructive and functional cha-
racteristics aimed at proper maintenance of the boiler. If working or carrying out maintenance on structures in the vicinity
of flue gas ducts and/or flue gas exhaust devices and their accessories, turn off the boiler, and when the work has been
completed, have their efficiency checked by qualified persons.
IMPORTANT: Before starting any cleaning or maintenance operation on the boiler, cut the power by turning off the boiler
switch and the main power switch, and cut off the gas supply by closing the cock on the boiler. Having said that, the type of
operations may be the following:
- Removing any oxidation from the burners.
- Removing any scale from the exchangers.
- Checking and cleaning the fan.
- Checking the connections between the various flue gas exhaust and air intake pipes.
- Cleaning the pipes in general.
- Checking the outside appearance of the boiler.
- Checking that the boiler turns on and off and its operation both in sanitary water and in heating mode.
- Checking the seal of the gas and water unions and connection pipes.
- Checking the gas consumption at maximum and minimum output.
- Checking the position of the ignition electrode.
- Checking the position of the detection electrode.
- Checking the combustion and efficiency parameters.
- Checking the no-gas safety switch.
- Checking the hydraulic system pressure.
- Checking the expansion tank efficiency.
- Checking functioning of the adjustment and safety thermostats.
- Checking functioning of the circulation pump.
- Checking that there are strictly no gas leaks from the system and combustion gas leaks from the draft hood or the boi-
ler/stack union.
- Checking the gas flow rate.
DO NOT clean the boiler and/or its parts with easily flammable substances (e.g. petrol, alcohol, etc.).
DO NOT clean the panels, painted parts and plastic parts with paint thinners. Use only soap and water to clean the
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