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Whirlpool WSIO 3O34 PFE X Manual De Instrucciones

Whirlpool WSIO 3O34 PFE X Manual De Instrucciones

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Before using the appliance, read these safety
instructions. Keep them nearby for future reference.
These instructions and the appliance itself provide
important safety warnings, to be observed at all times.
The manufacturer declines any liability for failure to
observe these safety instructions, for inappropriate
use of the appliance or incorrect setting of controls.
Very young children (0-3 years) should be kept
away from the appliance. Young children (3-8 years)
should be kept away from the appliance unless
continuously supervised. Children from 8 years
old and above and persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience
and knowledge can use this appliance only if they
are supervised or have been given instructions on
safe use and understand the hazards involved.
Children must not play with the appliance. Cleaning
and user maintenance must not be carried out by
children without supervision.
CAUTION: the appliance is not intended to be
operated by means of an external switching device,
such as a timer, or separate remote controlled system.
This appliance is intended to be used in household
and similar applications such as: staff kitchen areas
in shops, offices and other working environments;
farm houses; by clients in hotels, motels, bed
& breakfast and other residential environments.
The maximum number of place settings is shown
in the product sheet.
The door should not be left in the open position - risk
of tripping. The open appliance door can only support
the weight of the loaded rack when pulled out. Do not
rest objects on the door or sit or stand on it.
WARNING: Dishwasher detergents are strongly
alkaline. They can be extremely dangerous if
swallowed. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes and
keep children away from the dishwasher when the
door is open. Check that the detergent receptacle is
empty after completion of the wash cycle.
WARNING: Knives and other utensils with sharp
points must be loaded in the basket with their points
down or placed in a horizontal position - risk of cuts.
This appliance is not for professional use. Do not
use the appliance outdoors. Do not store explosive
or flammable substances (e.g. gasoline or aerosol
cans) inside or near the appliance - risk of fire. The
appliance must be used only to wash domestic
dishes in accordance with the instructions in this
manual. The water in the appliance is not potable.
Use only detergent and rinse additives designed
for an automatic dishwasher. When adding salt to
the water softener, run one cycle immediately to
avoid corrosion damage to internal parts. Store the
detergent, rinse aid and salt out of reach of children.
Shut off the water supply and unplug or disconnect the
power before servicing and maintenance. Disconnect
the appliance in the event of any malfunction.
The appliance must be handled and installed by
two or more persons - risk of injury. Use protective
gloves to unpack and install - risk of cuts. Connect
the dishwasher to the water mains using only new
hose sets. The old hose sets should not be reused.
All hoses must be securely clamped to prevent them
coming loose during operation. All local waterboard
regulations must be complied with. Water supply
pressure 0.05 - 1.0 MPa. The appliance must be
placed against the wall or built into furniture to limit
the access to its rearside. For dishwashers having
ventilation openings in the base, the openings must
not be obstructed by a carpet.
Installation, including water supply (if any) and
electrical connections, and repairs must be carried
out by a qualified technician. Do not repair or replace
any part of the appliance unless specifically stated
in the user manual. Keep children away from the
installation site. After unpacking the appliance, make
sure that it has not been damaged during transport.
In the event of problems, contact the dealer or
your nearest After-sales Service. Once installed,
packaging waste (plastic, styrofoam parts etc.) must
be stored out of reach of children - risk of suffocation.
The appliance must be disconnected from the power
supply before any installation operation - risk of
electrical shock. During installation, make sure the
appliance does not damage the power cable - risk of
fire or electrical shock. Only activate the appliance
when the installation has been completed.
If installing the dishwasher at the end of a row of
units making the side panel accessible, the hinge
area must be covered to avoid risk of injury. The
inlet water temperature depends on the dishwasher
model. If the installed inlet hose is marked „25°C
Max", the maximum allowed water temperature is
25°C. For all other models the maximum allowed
water temperature is 60°C. Do not cut hoses and, in
the case of appliances fitted with a waterstop system,
do not immerse the plastic casing containing the inlet
hose in water. If hoses are not long enough, contact
your local dealer. Make sure the inlet and drain hoses
are kink-free and are not crushed. Before using the
appliance for the first time, check the water inlet and
drain hose for leaks. Make sure that the four feet
are stable and resting on the floor, adjusting them as
required, and check that the dishwasher is perfectly
levelled using a spirit level.



Resumen de contenidos para Whirlpool WSIO 3O34 PFE X

  • Página 1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT TO BE READ AND OBSERVED avoid corrosion damage to internal parts. Store the Before using the appliance, read these safety detergent, rinse aid and salt out of reach of children. instructions. Keep them nearby for future reference. Shut off the water supply and unplug or disconnect the These instructions and the appliance itself provide power before servicing and maintenance.
  • Página 2: Cleaning And Maintenance

    ELECTRICAL WARNINGS is marked with the recycle symbol . The various The rating plate is on the edge of the dishwasher parts of the packaging must therefore be disposed of door (visible when the door is open). responsibly and in full compliance with local authority It must be possible to disconnect the appliance regulations governing waste disposal.
  • Página 3: Instalacja Urządzenia

    DOZWOLONE UŻYTKOWANIE solidnie przymocowane, aby nie obluzowały się podczas UWAGA: To urządzenie nie jest przeznaczone pracy zmywarki. Należy przestrzegać obowiązujących do użytkowania z wykorzystaniem zewnętrznego lokalnych przepisów przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowego. programatora czasowego (np. minutnika), lub odrębnego Ciśnienie doprowadzenia wody: 0,05 - 1,0 MPa. systemu zdalnego sterowania.
  • Página 4 UTYLIZACJA URZĄDZEŃ AGD z obowiązującymi normami krajowymi. stosować przedłużaczy, rozdzielaczy Urządzenie zostało wykonane materiałów przejściówek. Po zakończeniu instalacji użytkownik nie nadających się do recyklingu. Urządzenie należy powinien mieć dostępu do podzespołów elektrycznych utylizować zgodnie z miejscowymi przepisami urządzenia. Nie należy obsługiwać urządzenia boso lub dotyczącymi gospodarki odpadami.
  • Página 5 POVOLENÉ POUŽITÍ kvalifikovaný technik. Neopravujte ani nevyměňujte UPOZORNĚNÍ: Tento spotřebič není určen žádnou část spotřebiče, pokud to není výslovně uvedeno k ovládání pomocí externího zařízení, jako je např. v návodu k použití. Nedovolte dětem, aby se přibližovaly časovač, nebo samostatného systému dálkového k místu instalace.
  • Página 6: Čištění A Údržba

    ČIŠTĚNÍ A ÚDRŽBA ve středisku pro sběr domácího odpadu nebo VAROVÁNÍ: Předtím, než začnete provádět v obchodě, kde jste spotřebič zakoupili. Tento jakoukoli údržbu, ujistěte se, že je spotřebič odpojen spotřebič je označen v souladu s evropskou od elektrické sítě. Abyste se vyhnuli zranění, směrnicí...
  • Página 7: Čistenie A Údržba

    Pri pridávaní soli do zmäkčovača vody okamžite spustite vodováhy skontrolujte, či spotrebič stojí v rovine. jeden cyklus, aby ste sa vyhli korozívnemu poškodeniu UPOZORNENIA PRE PRÁCU S ELEKTRINOU interných súčiastok. Umývacie prostriedky, leštiace Typový štítok je umiestnený na okraji dvierok umývačky prostriedky a soľ...
  • Página 8: Olvassa El És Tartsa Be Az Alábbi Utasításokat

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  • Página 9: Az Elektromos Csatlakoztatással Kap- Csolatos Figyelmeztetések

    alsó szellőzőnyílásokkal rendelkező mosogatógépeknél működik megfelelően, megsérült vagy leejtették. ügyeljen arra, hogy a nyílásokat ne takarja el szőnyeg. Ha a hálózati kábel megsérül, az áramütés A készülék üzembe helyezését és javítását, a kockázatának elkerülése érdekében a gyártóval, annak vízbekötést (ha van) és az elektromos csatlakoztatást szervizképviselőjével vagy egy hasonlóan képzett is beleértve, kizárólag képzett szakember végezheti.
  • Página 10: Инструкция По Безопасности

    ENERGIATAKARÉKOSSÁGI TANÁCSOK jelzett kapacitásig tölti fel, azzal energiát és vizet energiatakarékos programmal átlagosan takaríthat meg . Az edények manuális előöblítése szennyezett edényeket tisztíthat, amely a kombinált megnövekedett víz- és energiafogyasztást energia- és vízfogyasztása miatt a leghatékonyabb eredményezhet, és nem javasolt. Ha a háztartási program, és a segítségével kiértékelhető, hogy a mosogatógépet a gyártó...
  • Página 11: Электрическая Безопасность

    близко к месту установки. После распаковки прибора электрическим током. Если установленная штепсельная проверьте его на предмет возможных повреждений вилка не подходит к вашей розетке, обратитесь за во время транспортировки. В случае обнаружения помощью к квалифицированному специалисту. Не тяните проблем обращайтесь к продавцу или в ближайший за...
  • Página 12 изделия с ним нельзя обращаться как с обычными Максимальная (в пределах допустимого) загрузка бытовыми отходами. Вместо этого, его следует сдать посудомоечной машины будет способствовать на переработку в соответствующий пункт приема экономии электроэнергии и воды. Предварительное электрического и электронного оборудования. ополаскивание посуды не рекомендуется, поскольку увеличивает...
  • Página 13 cercano. Una vez instalado el aparato, mantenga los restos Para evitar el riesgo de lesiones utilice guantes de de embalaje (plásticos, piezas de poliestireno extruido, etc.) protección (riesgo de corte) y zapatos de seguridad fuera del alcance de los niños, ya que hay riesgo de asfixia. (riesgo de contusión);...
  • Página 14 ИНСТРУКЦИИ ЗА БЕЗОПАСНОСТ ВАЖНО Е ДА ГИ ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ И ДА ГИ СПАЗВАТЕ (напр. бензин или аерозоли) във или в близост до Преди използването на уреда прочетете уреда - опасност от пожар. Уредът трябва да се използва само за миене на домакински съдове инструкциите...
  • Página 15: Почистване И Поддръжка

    че уредът не поврежда захранващия кабел - има каквато и да било операция по обслужването. За опасност от електрически удар. Активирайте уреда избягване на риск от наранявания използвайте едва след завършване на монтажа. предпазни ръкавици (опасност от разкъсвания) Ако съдомиялната се монтира в края на редица и...
  • Página 16: Instrucţiuni Privind Siguranţa

    екологичния дизайн. домашната съдомиялна машина се използва Зареждането на домашната съдомиялна машина съгласно инструкциите на производителя, до капацитета, посочен от производителя, измиването на посуда в съдомиялна обикновено ще спомогне да спестите енергия и вода. консумира по-малко енергия и вода в сравнение Предварителното...
  • Página 17 fie deconectat de la reţeaua de alimentare cu energie oprit şi deconectat de la reţeaua de alimentare electrică - risc de electrocutare. În timpul instalării, aveţi cu energie electrică înainte de a efectua orice grijă ca aparatul să nu deterioreze cablul de alimentare operaţie de întreţinere.
  • Página 18 contribui la economii de energie şi apă. Pre-clătirea manuală a vaselor duce la creşterea consumului de apă şi energie şi nu este recomandată. Spălarea vaselor în maşina de spălat vase de uz casnic consumă de obicei mai puţină energie şi apă în faza de utilizare decât spălarea manuală...
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