• To ensure baked goods, such as breads and cakes,
come out even and level, confirm that the range
is level by placing on the center rack position.
Check level both front-to-back and side-to-side.
Use adjustable pliers to adjust leveling legs as
vnecessary to level the range.
o IMPORTANT: The weight of the product is to be
supported by the leveling legs. When adjusting
leveling legs, do not adjust so far that the weight
of the product is supported by the cooktop resting
on the countertop.
o If countertops are not level, leveling the range
may cause one or more corners of the cooktop
to not contact the countertop surface. If this
happens, range can remain unleveled to allow
cooktop to contact countertop around entire
perimeter. Just be advised that this may affect
performance for some baked goods. Although not
generally recommended, in these cases foam tape
rated for 194 °F (90 °C) minimum can be placed
around countertop edge to fill the gap caused by
leveling. Do not use caulking or other adhesives
that would bind the cooktop to the counter.
• Reinstall door, drawer, and oven racks.