Antifreeze protection
WARNING: For the antifreeze system to work, the heat pump must be powered and the
circulating pump activated. If the circulating pump is servo-controlled by the heat pump, it will
be automatically activated.
When the heat pump is on standby, the system monitors the ambient temperature and the water tempera-
ture in order to activate the antifreeze programme if required.
The antifreeze programme is automatically activated when the ambient temperature or the temperature of
the water is less than 2°C and when the heat pump has been shut down for more than 120 minutes.
When the antifreeze programme is running, the heat pump activates its compressor and the circulating
pump so as to reheat the water until the water temperature exceeds 2°C.
The heat pump automatically leaves the antifreeze mode when the ambient temperature is greater than or
equal to 2°C or when the heat pump is activated by the user.
5. Operation