Device Initialization
Password Selection
On the Password prompt screen, you will be able to create a password to protect your data on the LP50 using either
the Complex or Passphrase password modes (Figures 4.3- 4.4). Additionally, the Multi-password Admin/User options
can also be enabled on this screen. Before proceeding with Password Selection, please review Enabling Admin / User
Passwords below for a better understand of these features.
Note: Once either Complex or Passphrase mode is chosen, the mode cannot be changed unless a device is Reset.
To begin with password selection, create your password in the 'Password' field, then re-enter it in the 'Confirm
Password' fields. The password you create must meet the following criteria before the initialization process will allow
you to continue:
Complex Password
Must contain 6 characters or more (up to
16 characters).
Must contain three (3) of the following
o Upper Case
o Lower Case
o Numerical Digit
o Special characters (!,$,&, etc..)
Passphrase Password
Must contain:
o 10 characters minimum
o 64 characters maximum
Password Hint (Optional)
A password hint can be useful for providing a
clue as to what the password is, should the
password ever be forgotten.
Note: The hint CANNOT be an exact match to
the password.
Figure 4.3 – Complex Password
Figure 4.4 – Passphrase Password
Figure 4.5 – Password Hint Field