By phone call. (It will only respond to the numbers stored in
the system).
1 Build the system
0 Deactivate the system and turn off the siren,
stop monitoring without hanging up
* Audio monitoring. Listen to what happens at the
alarm site
3 Bidirectional communication. Lets you talk to
whoever is at the alarm site
6 Disconnect the siren
9 Connect the siren
# Deactivate the system, disconnect the siren and
end the call
By SMS message. (It will only respond to the numbers stored
as SMS).
? SMS command information
00 Check configuration
0 Deactivate the system
1 Activate the system
2 Home mode
5 Store phone numbers
6 Store SMS numbers
91-99 Rename zone
10 Rename sensor
11 Entry and exit delay time
12 Siren activation volume and time
13 User code