Compresor de aire de tornillo rotativo (79 páginas)
Resumen de contenidos para Sullair SR 250
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All manuals and user guides at User manual Page Manuel d’utilisation Page Manual de uso Página Manual do utilizador Página Benutzerhandbuch Seite SR- -250 --- SR- -3000 refrigeration dryer (60Hz) DATE: 15.12.2003 ISSUE: 2 VALID FROM SERIAL NUMBER: 2532980001 CODE: 02250145- -604...
All manuals and user guides at Index Safety warnings Introduction page Foreword page Packaging page Important: Transport page S Keep this manual with the machine throughout its entire service life. Storage page S Carefully read this manual before carrying out any operation on the machine. Inspection page S This machine is designed for PROFESSIONAL USE only.
All manuals and user guides at English Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Transport All figures to which the “see Fig.” references in this text refer can be found at the end of this manual. The language translations for these figures can be found in the S Keep the unit in an upright position and do not leave it outdoors.
All manuals and user guides at g) If the system is prone to instantaneous pressure surges which exceed the dryer’s m) Do not connect condensate drains common to other pressurised drain lines in a rated capacity, mount a suitably sized receiver near the overpressure source. For closed circuit.
All manuals and user guides at English Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 3 Start---up and operation Stopping the dryer a) The dryer is stopped using the main switch. b) Stop the dryer 2 minutes after shutting down the air compressor or interrupting N.B.: For instructions on operation of control panel, refer to Chapter 4.
All manuals and user guides at 4 The control panel Keypad on off Dryer on/off button. Front panel All operations are controlled and displayed on the front panel: When the dryer is off, the following functions are enabled: a) setting the last SERVICE DATE; display b) entering and adjusting the operating parameters;...
All manuals and user guides at English Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Operation Activation of the CM function is only possible with the tC parameter set to “on” during activation of the remote off (see table). a) Startup and shutdown Turn the main switch to position I (yellow “power on”...
All manuals and user guides at --- Third screen: 9) Press the on off key to select the alarm relay operation mode (see point c) para. the TENS are shown and the green dryer on LED flashes simultaneously. 4.2); press the reset key to change the parameter value [preset value on = relay active without alarms].
Página 9
All manuals and user guides at English Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 PI --- Compressor integral protection alarm (from models 60 (1650) to 110 (3000) EP--- Eeprom error m3/min (scfm)) This signal indicates microprocessor failure. The “EP” code will be displayed. When the internal temperature of the fridge compressor motor rises above the limit The microprocessor must be replaced.
All manuals and user guides at 5 Maintenance Preventive maintenance For optimum performance from your dryer follow the periodic maintenance sched- ule described below. Before accessing live electrical parts , disconnect the power supply to the dryer using disconnect switch QS or disconnect the cable connections. CONDENATE DRAIN CONDENATE DRAIN WEEKLY...
All manuals and user guides at English Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Disassembling the unit Refrigerant charging (see Fig. 5) The machine has been designed and constructed to guarantee continuous operation. THIS OPERATION MUST ONLY BE PERFORMED BY A REFRIGERANT The long service life of some components such as the fan and compressor depends SPECIALIST.
All manuals and user guides at 8 Trouble shooting The following diagram lists the various problems which may occur during the dryer’s service life. In the case of serious difficulties however, contact a refrigerant special- ist. For alarms and warnings refer also to para. 4.4. NOTE: Always bypass the dryer when it is out of service.
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All manuals and user guides at English Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
Página 14
All manuals and user guides at Sommaire Consignes de sécurité Introduction page Avant---propos page Il est recommandé: Emballage page S de conserver le manuel pendant toute la période de vie de la machine; Transport page Stockage page S de lire attentivement le manuel avant d’effectuer toute opération sur la ma- chine;...
All manuals and user guides at Français Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Transport Toutes les figures auxquelles renvoient les mentions ” voir Fig. ” de ce texte appa- raissent à la fin de ce manuel. La traduction des légendes s’y rapportant se trouve S Veiller à...
All manuals and user guides at e) Veiller à ce que les grilles de ventilation du sécheur restent dégagées. m) Ne pas relier en circuit fermé des évacuations de condensats en commun avec d’autres lignes de purge pressurisées. f) Eviter la recirculation de l’air chaud du condenseur dans la prise d’air du conden- Visualiser l’évacuation des condensats pour vérifier leur écoulement correct.
All manuals and user guides at Français Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 3 Mise en marche et fonctionnement Arrêt de l’installation a) Le sécheur est arrêté en utilisant l’interrupteur principal. N.B.: Pour obtenir les instructions spécifiques au panneau de commande, consultez b) Arrêter l’installation 2 minutes après avoir arrêté...
All manuals and user guides at 4 Le panneau de commande Clavier Panneau frontal on off marche---arrêt sécheur Toutes les opérations sont effectuées et affichées sur le panneau frontal du contrôle électronique de la façon suivante: Les fonctions disponibles lorsque le sécheur est sur off sont les suivantes: a) Configuration de la dernière DATE D’ENTRETIEN;...
All manuals and user guides at Français Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fonctionnement Il n’est possible d’activer la fonction CM que lorsque le paramètre tC est pro- grammé sur “on” durant l’activation du off à distance (voir tableau). a) Mise en marche et arrêt Tourner le sectionneur général sur I (LED jaune “power on”...
All manuals and user guides at --- Deuxième page- - écran: 8) Appuyer sur la touche on/off. pour afficher alternativement le message “Id” et la visualisation des CENTAINES et clignotement simultané de la LED jaune off valeur programmée correspondante); appuyer sur la touche on/off. remote.
Página 21
All manuals and user guides at Français Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 PI --- Alarme protection intégrale compresseur (modèles de 60 (1 650) à 110 (3 000) EP--- Erreur d’eeprom /min (scfm)) Cette signalisation indique que le microprocesseur est en panne. L ’écran affiche le Lorsque la température interne du moteur du compresseur frigorifique dépasse la code “EP”.
All manuals and user guides at 5 Entretien Entretien préventif Pour faire en sorte que le sécheur continue de bien fonctionner, effectuer l’entretien périodique décrit ci---dessous. Avant d’accéder aux parties électriques sous tension , couper l’alimenta- UNE FOIS PAR PURGE CONDENSATS Voir le manuel du tuyau de conduite de la con- tion du sécheur en tournant l’interrupteur sectionneur QS ou débrancher les fils PURGE CONDENSATS Voir le manuel du tuyau de conduite de la con SEMAINE...
All manuals and user guides at Français Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Démantèlement de l’unité Charge de réfrigérant (voir Fig. 5) La machine a été conçue et construite afin de garantir un fonctionnement continu. CETTE OPERATION DOIT ETRE REALISEE PAR UN FRIGORISTE La durée de certains composants principaux tels que le ventilateur et le compresseur EXPERT.
All manuals and user guides at 8 Détection des pannes Le diagramme ci---dessous indique tous les problèmes que le sécheur pourrait éven- tuellement poser. En cas de difficultés, il est cependant préférable de s’adresser à un technicien frigoriste qualifié. Consultez le para.
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All manuals and user guides at Français Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
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All manuals and user guides at Índice Advertencias de seguridad Introducción página 26 Consideraciones preliminares página 26 Se recomienda: Embalaje página 26 S Conservar el manual durante toda la vida útil de la máquina. Transporte página 26 Almacenamiento página 26 S Leer el manual con atención antes de efectuar cualquier operación en la máquina.
All manuals and user guides at Español CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Transporte Todas las figuras a las que hace referencia el texto ”consulte la Fig.” pueden encon- trarse al final de este manual. Las traducciones de esas figuras se encuentran en S Mantener siempre la unidad en posición vertical, y no dejarla a la intemperie.
All manuals and user guides at g) Si la instalación está sujeta a grandes flujos instantáneos que superan la capaci- m) No conectar en circuito cerrado purgas de condensados en común con otras dad del secador, debe montarse un deposito de dimensiones adecuadas tras el líneas de drenaje presurizadas.
All manuals and user guides at Español CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 3 Puesta en marcha y funcionamiento Parada del equipo a) El secador se detiene con el interruptor principal. b) Parar el equipo dos minutos después de haber detenido el compresor de aire o, Nota: para obtener instrucciones sobre el funcionamiento del panel de control, con- en cualquier caso, tras haber interrumpido el flujo de aire a través del secador.
All manuals and user guides at 4 Panel de control Teclado Panel frontal on off Arranque/parada del secador. Todas las operaciones se efectúan y se visualizan en el panel frontal del control electrónico, según se indica a continuación: Cuando el secador está apagado permite: a) definición de la última FECHA DE SERVICIO Pantalla b) introducir y configurar los parámetros de funcionamiento;...
All manuals and user guides at Español CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Funcionamiento Para activar la función CM el parámetro tC debe estar configurado en “on” durante la activación del off a distancia (ver tabla). a) Arranque y parada Girar el seccionador general hasta la posición I (PILOTO amarillo “power on”...
All manuals and user guides at --- Segunda pantalla: 8) Pulsar on/off. Se visualizan alternativamente la sigla “Id” y el valor configurado; visualiza las CENTENAS y simultáneamente parpadea el PILOTO off remote pulsar on/off. amarillo. 9) Pulsaron/offparaseleccionarlamodalidadde funcionamientodelreléde laalarma --- Tercera pantalla: (ver punto c apart.
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All manuals and user guides at Español CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 PI --- Alarma protección integral del compresor (modelos de 60 (1650) a 110 (3000) EP--- Error de eeprom /min (scfm)) Indica que el microprocesador está averiado. Aparece indicado el código “EP”. Cuando la temperatura interna del motor del compresor supera el valor límite, el El microprocesador debe ser sustituido.
All manuals and user guides at 5 Mantenimiento Mantenimiento preventivo Para asegurar un funcionamiento prolongado y satisfactorio del secador, se reco- mienda el mantenimiento periódico que se describe a continuación. Antes de acceder a las partes eléctricas en tensión , desconectar la alimen- tación del secador girando el interuptor QS, o desconectar las conexiones eléctricas.
All manuals and user guides at Español CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Desmontaje de la unidad Carga de refrigerante (véase Fig. 5) La máquina ha sido proyectada y construida para un funcionamiento continuo. ESTA OPERACIÓN DEBE SER EFECTUADA POR UN FRIGORISTA EX- La duración de algunos componentes, como el ventilador y el compresor, dependerá...
All manuals and user guides at 8 Localización de averías El diagrama siguiente describe los inconvenientes que puede sufrir el secador. De todos modos, en caso de dificultad es aconsejable acudir a un técnico frigorista cuali- ficado. Para alarmas y advertencias, consulte también el apartado 4.4. NOTA: se aconseja dejar el secador en by---pass cuando no esté...
Página 37
All manuals and user guides at Español CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
All manuals and user guides at Índice Avisos de segurança Introdução página 38 Prefácio página 38 Recomendamos: Embalagem página 38 S conservar o manual durante o tempo de vida da máquina; Transporte página 38 Armazenamento página 38 S antes de efectuar qualquer operação com a máquina, ler com atenção o manu- Inspección página 38 S utilizar a máquina exclusivamente para UTILIZAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL e...
All manuals and user guides at Português CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Transporte Todos números referidos como ”consultar Fig.” neste texto podem ser encontrados neste manual. As traduções para estes números podem ser encontradas na legen- S Manter sempre a unidade na posição vertical e não deixar a unidade ao ar livre.
All manuals and user guides at f) Evite a recirculação do ar quente do condensador na entrada de ar do condensa- m) Não ligar em circuito fechado descargas de condensação em comum com outras dor. linhas de descarga pressurizadas. Observar as descargas de condensação para verificar o correcto defluxo da condensação.
All manuals and user guides at Português CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 3 Ligação e funcionamento Paragem da instalação a) O secador é desligado através do interruptor principal. b) Parar a instalação dois minutos depois de ter parado o compressor de ar ou Nota: Para mais instruções sobre o funcionamento do painel de controle, consulte depois de ter interrompido o fluxo de ar através do secador.
All manuals and user guides at 4 Painel de controle Teclado on off Painel frontal on/off secador Todas as operações são efectuadas e visualizadas no painel frontal do controlo Com o secador em off, permite as seguintes funções: electrónico, como indicado a seguir: a) definir a última DATA DE ASSISTÊNCIA display b) activação e regulação dos parâmetros de funcionamento;...
All manuals and user guides at Português CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Funcionamento A activação da função CM só é possível com o parâmetro tC definido para “on” durante a activação do off remoto (ver tabela). a) Arranque e paragem Rode o seccionador geral para a posição I (LED amarelo “power on”...
All manuals and user guides at --- Segundo ecrã: 8) Primaateclaon/off.Sãoapresentadosalternadamenteamensagem“Id”eorespec- são apresentadas as CENTENAS e, em simultâneo, pisca o LED amarelo off tivo valor definido); prima a tecla on/off. remote. 9) Prima a tecla on/off para seleccionar o modo de funcionamento do relé de alarme --- Terceiro ecrã: (consulte o ponto c) para.
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All manuals and user guides at Português CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 PI --- Alarme de protecção integral do compressor (modelos de 60 (1650) a 110 (3000) EP--- Erro de eeprom /min (scfm)) Quando este sinal está...
All manuals and user guides at 5 Manutenção Manutenção preventiva Para assegurar que o secador continua a funcionar de forma eficiente, fazer a man- utenção periódica como a seguir se indica: Antes de aceder às peças eléctricas sob tensão , desligar o secador da cor- rente eléctrica rodando o interruptor do seccionador QS ou desligando a alimen- DESCARGA DE CONDENSAÇÃO Consulte o manual do descarre-...
All manuals and user guides at Português CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Desmantelamento da unidade Carregamento de refrigerante (ver Fig. 5) A máquina foi projectada e construída para garantir um funcionamento continuado. ESTA OPERAÇÃO DEVE SER EXECUTADA POR UM TECNICO A duração de alguns componentes principais, tais como o ventilador e o compressor, ESPECIALIZADO.
All manuals and user guides at 8 Procura avarias O diagrama seguinte apresenta todos os problemas que podem surgir no secador. Em caso de dificuldade é, no entanto, preferível consultar um técnico qualificado no sector. Para mais informações sobre alarmes e avisos, consulte também o para. 4.4. Nota: É...
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All manuals and user guides at Português CÓDIGO: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
Página 50
All manuals and user guides at Inhaltsverzeichnis Sicherheitshinweise Einleitung Seite Vorbemerkung Seite Zur Erinnerung: Verpackung Seite S Das Handbuch über die gesamte Standzeit des Gerätes aufbewahren. Transport Seite S Das Handbuch aufmerksam vor Arbeiten aller Art am Gerät lesen. Lagerung Seite S Das Gerät ausschließlich für PROFESSIONELLEN EINSATZ und den...
All manuals and user guides at Deutsch Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Transport Die Abbildungen, auf die mit dem Verweis ”siehe Fig.” hingewiesen wird, befinden S Die vertikale Position der Einheit stets sicherstellen und auf keinen Fall außer- sich am Ende dieser Gebrauchsanweisung.
All manuals and user guides at e) Zudem sind die Lüftungsgitter des Trockners stets freizuhalten. Wenn das Netz starken Schwankungen ausgesetzt ist, muss der Anschluss mit Dämpfern erfolgen. f) Vermeiden, daß heiße Druckluft zurück an den Kondensierwassereinlaß läuft. m) Der Verbindung in einem geschlossenen Kreislauf von Kondensatablässen zu- g) Ist die Anlage starken Momentanflüssen, die die “größengerechte”...
All manuals and user guides at Deutsch Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 3 Einschalten und Betrieb Stopp der Anlage a) Der Trockner wird mit dem Hauptschalter gestoppt. b) Die Anlage ist 2 Minuten nach dem Stopp des Luftverdichters oder jedenfalls Hinweis:Anweisungen zur Bedienung der Kontrolpanel siehe Kap.
All manuals and user guides at 4 Kontrolpanel Tastatur on off Frontseitiges Paneel on/off Trockner Sämtliche Vorgänge werden auf dem frontseitigen Paneel der elektronischen Wird bei Trockner außer Betrieb für folgende Funktionen verwendet: Steuerung ausgeführt und angezeigt; siehe folgende Beschreibung: a) Einstellung des Datums der letzten WARTUNG;...
All manuals and user guides at Deutsch Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Funktionsweise Die Funktion CM kann nur aktiviert werden, wenn der Parameter tC während der Betätigung des OFF---Fernsteuerungskontakts auf “on” steht (siehe a) Start und Stopp Tabelle).
All manuals and user guides at --- Zweite Seite: 8) Die Taste on/off eindrücken. Angezeigt werden abwechselnd die Anzeige “Id” und Das Display zeigt die HUNDERTER an,während gleichzeitig die gelbe LED der entsprechende eingestellte Wert); die Taste on/off eindrücken. off remote aufleuchtet.
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All manuals and user guides at Deutsch Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 PI --- Alarm Integralschutz des Verdichters (Modelle von 60 (1650) bis 110 (3000) EP --- Fehler Eeprom /min (scfm)) Bei Auslösung dieser Meldung liegt ein Defekt des Kontrolpanel vor. Der Code Steigt die Innentemperatur des Verdichtermotors über den zulässigen Wert, wird “EP”...
All manuals and user guides at 5 Wartung Vorbeugende Wartung Zur Gewährleistung einer dauerhaften, uneingeschränkten Funktionstüchtigkeit des Trockners sind die im folgenden beschriebenen Wartungsarbeiten regelmäßig Vor Freilegen der unter Spannung stehenden elektrischen Komponenten auszuführen: Stromversorgung zum Trockner durch Drehen des Trennschalters OS abschalten KONDENSATABLASS: Sehen Sie hierzu die beiliegende Gebrauchsanweisung oder Stromanschlüsse unterbrechen.
All manuals and user guides at Deutsch Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Entsorgung der Einheit Kältemittelbefüllung (siehe Fig. 5) Projektierung und Bau der Maschine erfolgten mit der Zielsetzung, einen konti- DIE KÄLTEMITTELBEFÜLLUNG IST AUSSCHLIESSLICH VON EINEM nuierlichen Betrieb sicherzustellen.
All manuals and user guides at 8 Störungssuche Im folgenden Diagramm sind sämtliche am Trockner eventuell auftretenden Störun- gen angegeben. Reparaturen sollten jedoch vorzugsweise von einem Kältetechniker durchgeführt werden. Weitere Informationen zu Alarmen und Warnsignalen finden Sie auch in Abschn. ANMERKUNG: Beim Trocknerstillstand empfiehlt sich dessen Umgehung durch eine Bypass---Leitung.
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All manuals and user guides at Deutsch Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 1 Installation compressor ALTERNATIVE RECEIVER POSITION receiver bypass filter (max. 3µm) (recommended, optionally available) filter to compressed air ring main D r y e r oil/water separator Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 2 Safety and description labels on dryer (see Fig. 3) QUALITY QUALITY S Model CHECKED CHECKED S Serial No. INSPECTOR N. 302 INSPECTOR N.
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 2 Safety and description labels on dryer (see Fig. 3) ATTENTION Never pass compressed air through the dryer when it is stopped. Always start the dryer 5 minutes be- ATTENTION fore slowly opening the air inlet valve. 1 Fully drain the piping before connecting ATTENTION: SCROLL three---phase compressors.
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 3 Positioning of labels attached to the dryer SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 3 Positioning of labels attached to the dryerSR- - 700 --- SR- - 3000 air--- cooled Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 3 Positioning of labels attached to the dryer SR- - 700 --- SR- - 3000 water--- cooled...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 4 Overall dimensions SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 air--- cooled SIDE LEFT REAR FRONT 674 (26.5) 921 (36.3) (4.7) 465 (18.3) air inlet 442 (17.4) (8.4) air outlet 330 (13) 35.
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 4 Overall dimensions SR- - 700 --- SR- - 1400 air--- cooled FRONT REAR SIDE only for model SR- - 700 --- SR- - 1200 (7.1) 680 (26.8) air inlet...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 4 Overall dimensions SR- - 700 --- SR- - 1400 water--- cooled FRONT SIDE REAR only for model SR- - 700 --- SR- - 1200 (7.1) 680 (26.8) 62 (2.4) air inlet water outlet air outlet water inlet...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 4 Overall dimensions SR- - 1600 --- SR- - 3000 air--- cooled FRONT SIDE REAR 920 (36.2) air inlet air outlet (3.9) (14.6) (6.3)
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 4 Overall dimensions SR- - 1600 --- SR- - 3000 water--- cooled FRONT SIDE REAR 920 (36.2) 62 (2.4) air inlet water outlet air outlet water inlet (3.9) (14.6) (6.3) (18.9) (6.3) 16.5# 16.5# (0.6#)
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 5 Technical data refrigerant / charge ambient cooling water max air weight water max air temperature pressure R407C model inlet connections connections connections connections...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 5 Technical data compressor fan motor 1 fan motor 2 min. circuit min. circuit max protection max protection power power model ampacity device rating power power supply (HP) (HP) 230/1/60 36.0 1.95 12.83 SR- - 250 230/3/60...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 6 Refrigerant diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 air--- cooled Electronic control displays: 1. compressor dew point temperature, alarms and operating status. 2.
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 6 Refrigerant diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 3000 air--- cooled Electronic control displays: dew point temperature, alarms and operating status. 1. compressor 2. refrigerant condenser AIR INLET 3. fan motor AIR OUTLET 4.
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 6 Refrigerant diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 2400 water--- cooled Electronic control displays: 1. compressor dew point temperature, alarms and operating status. 2.
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 6 Refrigerant diagram SR- - 3000 Electronic control displays: 1. compressor dew point temperature, alarms and operating status. 2. refrigerant condenser AIR INLET 4. evaporator 5. separator AIR OUTLET 7. expansion capillary 8.
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 7 Spare Parts List (see Fig. 8) Codes Model SR- -250 SR- -325 SR- -400 SR- -500 SR- -700 SR- -800 SR- -1000 SR- -1200 SR- -1400 SR- -1600...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 8 Exploded drawing of dryer SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 air--- cooled A. TIMED SOLENOID DRAIN 1. compressor 2. refrigerant condenser 3. fan motor 4. evaporator 5. separator 6. insulation 7.
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 8 Exploded drawing of dryer SR- - 700 --- SR- - 1400 air--- cooled A. TIMED SOLENOID DRAIN 1. compressor 2. refrigerant condenser 3.
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 8 Exploded drawing of dryer SR- - 1600 --- SR- - 3000 air--- cooled A. TIMED SOLENOID DRAIN 1. compressor 2. refrigerant condenser 3. fan motor 4. evaporator 5. separator 6. insulation 7.
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 8 Exploded drawing of dryer SR- - 700 --- SR- - 3000 water--- cooled A. TIMED SOLENOID DRAIN 1. compressor 2. refrigerant condenser 4.
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 9 Calibration MODEL COMPONENT SETTING NOTES SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 66.7 PSIg (4.6 bar) (+0.1, ---0) Hot gas valve calibr. SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 START: 261 PSIg (18 bar) DIFF: 58 PSIg (4 bar) Fan pressure switch (PV) (STOP: 203 PSIg (14 bar)
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 9 Calibration (contd.) MODEL COMPONENT SETTING NOTES calibr. SR- - 700 --- SR- - 3000 232 PSIg (16 bar) (+1, ---0) Water pressostatic valve SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Maximum OFF time 3 min.
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 325 air--- cooled (230V 1~ 60Hz) to page 86 230V 1~ 60Hz (500mA T) Inn=0.3A (500mA T) RECOMMENDED generally demanded by law (by installer) (20A) (4A) >...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 325 air--- cooled (230V 1~ 60Hz) to page 87 POWER SUPPLY DIGITAL OUTPUTS DIGITAL INPUTS TEMPERATURE SENSOR 230V...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 325 air--- cooled (230V 1~ 60Hz) ELECTRICAL PANEL LAYOUT RESET USER TERMINAL BLOCKS 32/33 (A) REMOVE BRIDGE IF GENERAL “REMOTE ON---OFF” ALARM/WARNING IS INSTALLED. (FREE CONTACT) TERMINAL BLOCKS Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 air--- cooled (230V 3~ 60Hz) to page 92 230V 3~ 60Hz (500mA T) Inn=0.3A (500mA T)
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 800 air--- cooled (230V 3~ 60Hz) to page 92 230V 3~ 60Hz (500mA T) Inn=0.3A (500mA T) RECOMMENDED generally demanded (20A) (6A) by law (by installer) >...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 air--- cooled (460V 3~ 60Hz) to page 92 460V 3~ 60Hz 100VA (0.5A T) (500mA T)
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 1400 air--- cooled (230V/460V 3~ 60Hz) to page 93 / 94 / 95 / 96 POWER SUPPLY DIGITAL OUTPUTS DIGITAL INPUTS...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 air--- cooled (230V 3~ 60Hz) ELECTRICAL PANEL LAYOUT RESET USER TERMINAL BLOCKS 32/33 (A) REMOVE BRIDGE IF GENERAL “REMOTE ON---OFF” ALARM/WARNING IS INSTALLED. (FREE CONTACT) TERMINAL BLOCKS Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 800 air--- cooled (230V 3~ 60Hz) ELECTRICAL PANEL LAYOUT USER TERMINAL BLOCKS RESET 32/33 (A) REMOVE BRIDGE IF...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 250 --- SR- - 500 air--- cooled (460V 3~ 60Hz) ELECTRICAL PANEL LAYOUT RESET USER TERMINAL BLOCKS 32/33 (A) REMOVE BRIDGE IF GENERAL “REMOTE ON---OFF” ALARM/WARNING IS INSTALLED. (FREE CONTACT) FU3 FU5 FU1 FU2...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 1400 air--- cooled (460V 3~ 60Hz) ELECTRICAL PANEL LAYOUT USER TERMINAL BLOCKS RESET 32/33 (A) REMOVE BRIDGE IF...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 1600 --- SR- - 3000 air--- cooled (460V 3~ 60Hz) to page 98 460V 3~ 60Hz 100VA (0.5A T) (500mA T) 460V 230V (0.5A T) (500mA T) Inn=0.3A RECOMMENDED (32A)
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 1600 --- SR- - 3000 air--- cooled (460V 3~ 60Hz) to page 99 POWER SUPPLY DIGITAL OUTPUTS DIGITAL INPUTS TEMPERATURE SENSOR 230V...
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 1600 --- SR- - 3000 air--- cooled (460V 3~ 60Hz) ELECTRICAL PANEL LAYOUT USER TERMINAL BLOCKS RESET 32/33 FU1 FU2 (A) REMOVE BRIDGE IF GENERAL “REMOTE ON---OFF” ALARM/WARNING IS INSTALLED.
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 800 water--- cooled (230V 3~ 60Hz) to page 103 230V 3~ 60Hz (500mA T) (500mA T) Inn=0.3A...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 1600 --- SR- - 3000 water--- cooled (460V 3~ 60Hz) to page 103 460V 3~ 60Hz 100VA (0.5A T) (500mA T)
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All manuals and user guides at Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 3000 water--- cooled to page 104 / 105 POWER SUPPLY DIGITAL OUTPUTS DIGITAL INPUTS TEMPERATURE SENSOR 230V ELECTRONIC CONTROL (32mA T) MAX 250V Imax = 1A REMOTE >...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000 Fig. 10 Electrical diagram SR- - 700 --- SR- - 800 water--- cooled (230V 3~ 60Hz) ELECTRICAL PANEL LAYOUT USER TERMINAL BLOCKS RESET 32/33 (A) REMOVE BRIDGE IF...
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All manuals and user guides at Code: 02250145- - 604 SR- - 250 --- SR- - 3000...
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All manuals and user guides at English -- Legend LABELS air ---air heat exchanger S Model m. ATTENTION! S Serial No. Never pass compressed air through the dryer when it is stopped. 12. PV fan pressure switch S Low/High side refrigeration 14.
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All manuals and user guides at Français -- Légende ETIQUETTES echangeur air ---air S Modèle m. ATTENTION! Ne jamais faire passer l’air comprimé à travers le dryer 12. PV pressostat ventilateur S Numéro de série lorsqu’il n’est pas activé. Démarrer toujours le dryer 5 14.
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All manuals and user guides at Español -- Leyenda ETIQUETAS m. ATENCIÓN! intercambiador aire---aire S Modelo No dar paso al aire comprimido a través del secador si éste no S Número de serie 12. PV presostato ventilador está funcionando. Poner en funcionamiento el secador 5 S Presión de proyecto del circuito 14.
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All manuals and user guides at Portoguês -- Legenda ETIQUETAS m. ATENÇÃO! intercambiador aire---aire S Modelo Não faça passar o ar comprimido através do dryer quando o 12. PV presostato ventilador S Matrícula mesmo não está em funcionamento. Ligue o dryer sempre 5 14.
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All manuals and user guides at Deutsch -- Legende ETIKETTEN Kältefilter m. ACHTUNG! S Typ Keine Druckluft durch den Trockner strömen lassen, solange Heißgasventil S Baunummer dieser nicht in Betrieb ist. Den Trockner immer 5 Minuten vor Luft/Luft---Wärmeaustauscher S Niedriger / hoher Druck dem langsamen Öffnen des Zuluftventils in Betrieb setzen.