5.2 User profile setting mode
In User Profile mode, press and hold S4 for 2 seconds to enter User Profile Setting mode. Use
S3 to select set item as below sequences and then use S1/S2 to enter set value.
Weight → Height → Birthday → Gender → Activity level → HR Max → Units
Weight (kg):
Weight (lbs):
Height (cm):
Height (ft/inch):
Activity level:
HR Max:
Activity Level definition:
1: Do not participate regularly in programmed recreation sport or heavy physical activity
2: Participate regularly (2 to 3 times per week) in recreation or work requiring modest
physical activity, such as table tennis, bowling, weight lifting, yard work, totally about one
hour per week,
3: Participate regularly in heavy physical exercise such as running or jogging, swimming,
cycling, running in place or engaging in vigorous aerobic activity type exercise such as tennis,
basketball or handball.
min=20, max=200, default=60
min=44, max=440, default=143
min=69, max=231, default=170
min=2'3'', max=7'7'', default=5'7''
min=1-1-1900, max = data attuale -5 anni, default=1-1-1980
min=1, max=3, default=1
min=80, max=240, default=200
metric or imperial