2.2 Accessories / Spare parts
Fig. 2
1. Welding shield
2. Head harness
3. Sweatband, 5 pack
4. Comfortband
5. Welding filter, shade No. 8, SR 59008
Welding filter, shade No. 9, SR 59009
Welding filter, shade No. 10, SR 59010
Welding filter, shade No. 11, SR 59011
Welding filter, shade No. 12, SR 59012
Welding filter, shade No. 13, SR 59013
Welding filter, EN 3/10, SR 59005
Welding filter, EN 3/11, SR 59006
Welding filter, EN 4/5-13
Welding filter, 4/9-13, SR 59007
6. Protective lens
7. Inner protective lens for auto lens
Inner protective lens for R06-4508
Inner protective lens for toughened mineral
glass lens
8. Correction lens, dptr 1,0, SR 59014
Correction lens, dptr 1,5, SR 59015
Correction lens, dptr 2,0, SR 59016
Correction lens, dptr 2,5, SR 59017
9. Holder welding filter
10. Screw
11. Protective hood
12. Cleaning tissues SR 5226, box of 50
3. Use
3.1 Installation
See also user instructions for SR 900-system.
Welding filter
Fit a welding filter. See section 4.4.3 To change the welding filter.
3.2 Donning
• Raise the visor and put the welding shield on. Fig. 3.
• If necessary, adjust the head harness, see Fig. 4.
Height adjustment.
A - how high the welding shield sits on the head.
Angle adjustment between shield and head harness.
B - the angle against the shield.
Space adjustment between shield and head har-
C - the space to the shield.
Width adjustment of the head harness.
D - adjustment of the width of the head harness.
• Lower the visor. Fig. 5.
4. Maintenance
The person who is responsible for cleaning and maintenance
of the equipment must have suitable training and be well
acquainted with work of this type.
4.1 Cleaning
Sundström cleaning tissues SR 5226 are recommended for
daily care.
Ordering. No.
If the equipment is more heavily fouled, the sweatband can
be washed with a mild soap solution.
If necessary, spray the face shield with 70 % ethanol or
isopropanol solution for disinfection.
Wipe the plastic protective lens carefully, since they are
sensitive to scratching.
Automatic welding filters are very sensitive to moisture.
Use only a dry polishing cloth.
NOTE! Never use solvents for cleaning.
4.2 Storage
After cleaning, store the equipment in a dry and clean place
at room temperature. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.
4.3 Maintenance schedule
Recommended minimum requirements on maintenance
routines so you will be certain that the equipment will always
be in usable condition.
Visual inspection
4.4 Change parts
Always use genuine Sundström parts. Do not modify the
equipment. The use of non-genuine parts or modification of
the equipment may reduce the protective function and put at
risk the approvals received by the product.
4.4.1 To change the protective lens
• Loosen the screw in the holder for the welding filter.
Fig 6.
• Release and remove the holder for the welding filter. Fig 7.
• Release and remove the protective lens. Fig 8, 9.
• Fit the new protective lens. Fig. 10, 11.
• Fit the holder. Fig 7.
• Tighten the screw. Fig 12.
4.4.3 To change the welding filter
• Loosen the screw in the holder for the welding filter.
Fig 6.
• Release the holder for the welding filter. Fig 7.
• Release and remove the welding filter. Fig 13.
• Release and remove any inner protective lens. Fig 14.
• Fit any inner protective lens on the inside of the new welding
filter. Fig 15.
• Fit the new welding filter. Fig. 16.
• Fit the holder. Fig 7.
• Tighten the screw. Fig 12.
4.4.4 To change the inner protective lens
• Loosen the screw in the holder for the welding filter. Fig 6.
• Release the holder for the welding filter. Fig 7.
• Release and remove the the welding filter. Fig 13.
• Release and remove the inner protective lens. Fig 14.
• Fit the new inner protective lens on the inside of the welding
filter. Fig 15.
• Fit the welding filter. Fig. 16.
• Fit the holder. Fig 7.
• Tighten the screw. Fig 12.
4.4.5 To change the correction lens
• Release and remove the correction lens. Fig 17.
• Fit the new correction lens on the inside of the welding
filter. Fig 18.
Before use
After use