Place the pressure regulator on the vent pipe.
Note: The pressure regulator will fit loosely on the vent pipe; it will not touch the top of the lid.
Select a high heat setting on your stove.
Heat the pressure cooker until the pressure regulator attains a gentle rocking motion.
When pressure begins to build, the safety lock pin slides up locking the lid. Once the pressure
cooker has sealed, the cooking time begins.
Note: The safety lock pin may move up and down a few times when cooking first begins; as it
automatically exhausts air from the pressure cooker. Steam will be noticeable. This is normal.
The safety lock pin will remain in the up position until pressure is released.
Adjust the heat as necessary to maintain regulator in a slow rocking motion.
Note: Cook for the length of time indicated in the recipe.
Caution: Never leave your pressure cooker unattended at high heat settings. It could boil dry, overheat,
and cause damage to the pressure cooker.
When cooking time is complete, turn off the burner. If using an electric stove, remove pressure
cooker from the burner.
Caution: Lift pressure cooker when removing it from the burner since sliding it can leave scratches on
Release pressure according to the recipe, if the instructions say:
1. "Natural Release Method" (Slow Pressure Release Method): set the pressure cooker
aside to cool until pressure is completely reduced.
2. "Cool Water Release Method" (Fast Pressure Release Method): cool the pressure cooker
under a running water faucet or pour cold water over it, or place it in a pan of cold
water until pressure is completely reduced.
Note: Do not set hot pressure cooker in a molded sink as it could damage the sink.
Pressure is completely reduced when the safety lock pin has dropped. If the safety lock pin
remains in its raised position, there is still pressure inside the pressure cooker. Continue to
cool until the safety lock pin drops.
After the pressure has been released, and the safety lock pin has dropped, carefully remove the
pressure regulator.
Note: Always remove the pressure regulator before opening the lid.
Open the lid by grasping the cooking pot handle with one hand and with the other hand grasp the
lid handle and turn it counterclockwise.
Caution: Lift the lid towards you to keep any steam away from you.
If you can not turn handle, there still may be some pressure inside the unit. Do not force the lid
off. Continue to cool the pressure cooker until the steam is no longer escaping from the vent pipe,
the safety lock pin has dropped, and the lid turns easily.