37.9 Download firmware over the air
FOTA (Firmware over the air)
The product has a function that automatically downloads
new firmware. When a new firmware is available, a
notification shows in the app where you can select to
install the new firmware.
The most frequently used operation settings are
included in the Automower
Access, refer to
Access on page 89 . All operating modes
are available in the Automower
38.1 To set the product to ON
safety chapter before you use the product.
Push the jog wheel for 3 seconds.
Use the jog wheel to enter the PIN code.
38.2 To start the product
Push the STOP button.
Use the jog wheel to enter the PIN code.
Use the jog wheel to select the operating mode.
Refer to
Operating modes - Start on page 101 .
Push the START button.
If the product is parked in the charging station,
the product will start to operate when the battery is fully
charged and if the
Schedule settings is set for operation
The first weeks after installation the perceived
sound level when cutting the grass may be higher than
expected. When the product has cut the grass for some
time, the perceived sound level is much lower.
38.2.1 Operating modes - Start
Main area
Secondary area
Override schedule
• Main area
Use the operating mode
Main area for the product to cut
and charge automatically. Secondary area
Secondary area operating mode to cut secondary
areas. You must move the product manually between
the main area and the secondary area. The product cuts
for a selected period of time or until the battery is empty.
1910 - 002 - 03.01.2023
38 Operation
Connect app.
Read and understand the
430X/450X NERA use the cellular network
or Wi-Fi to download the new firmware, but Automower
320 NERA only uses Wi-Fi. When Wi-Fi is used, the
product downloads new firmware when it is parked in
the charging station and has Wi-Fi coverage.
You must put the product manually in the
charging station to charge the product when it is in a
secondary area. The product will move out from the
charging station and stop when the battery is charged.
You must select an operating mode to start the product.
If you will cut the main area after the battery is
Main area mode before you
charged, set the product to
put the product in the charging station. Override schedule
Override schedule to
Use the operating mode
temporarily override the
Schedule settings for 24h or 3
days .
It is not possible to cut more than the maximum
cutting time for each day. Refer to
on page 89 .
38.3 To park the product
Push the STOP button.
Use the jog wheel to enter the PIN code.
Use the jog wheel to select the park mode. Refer
Operating modes - Park on page 101 .
38.3.1 Operating modes - Park
Park until further notice
Start on next schedule
Select duration
Park at maintenance point (EPOS
only) Park until further notice
Park until further notice for the
Use the operating mode
product to go back to the charging station. The product
will stay in the charging station until you select a new
operating mode. Start on next schedule
Use the operating mode
Start on next schedule for the
product to go back to the charging station. The product
will stay in the charging station until the next
Product description
Operation - 101