Shows current information, such as current speed, elapsed or remaining time, used or remaining calories, current
pulse etc. The range of values for each is:
TIME – 5:00 to 99:59 minutes / seconds.
DISTANCE – 1.0 to 99.9 kilometres.
SPEED – 0.8 to 20 km/h.
CALORIES – 20 to 999 calories.
PULSE – 50 to 200 beats/minute (BPM).
NOTE: When displaying pulse, you must have both hands on the metal sensors on each handle.
To approximately convert calories to kilojoules, multiply the number of calories by 4.
Press to start the equipment. Start can also be selected using the left-hand handle mounted "Start" button.
Press to stop the equipment. Stop can also be selected using the left-hand handle mounted "Stop" button.