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This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or television technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
WARNING! Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. The radiated output power of this device is below the FCC and Industry
Canada radio frequency exposure limits. FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to
this device that are not expressly approved by manufacturer, may void the user's authority to use the device. This device
must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This device meets the FCC and IC
requirements for RF exposure in public or uncontrolled environments.
CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B) (Canada)
IC: 6708A-DW6A
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in
the interference-causing equipment standard entitled: "Digital Apparatus," ICES-003 of the Canadian Department of
Cet appareil numérique ne dépasse pas les limites de la classe B pour les émissions radio, comme établi dans la norme
des appareils créant des interférences intitulée « Appareils numériques », ICES-003 du Département canadien des
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference
that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Ce produit répond aux exigences des normes RSS exemptes de licence d'Industry Canada. Le fonctionnement est soumis aux
deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne devra pas causer d'interférences, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toutes les
interférences, y compris celles pouvant entraîner un dysfonctionnement.
[ENGLISH] Hereby, Fossil Group, Inc., declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following
internet address:
[DANSK] Hermed erklærer Fossil Group Inc.,sverensstemmelse med de essentielle krav og andre relevante bestemmelser fra
Direktiv 2014/53/EU. Hele teksten af konformitetserklæringen fra EU kan findes på følgende internetadresse: https://www.
[NEDERLANDS] Fossil Group Inc. verklaart hierbij dat dit product voldoet aan de essentiële eisen en andere relevante
bepalingen van EU-Richtlijn 2014/53/EU. De volledige tekst van de EU-conformiteitsverklaring is te vinden op het volgende
[SVENSKA] Härmed intygar Fossil Group, Inc. att denna produkt står i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga kraven och andra
relevanta bestämmelser i direktivet 2014/53/EG. Den fullständiga texten gällande EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse finns
tillgänglig på följande adress:
[NOSK] Fossil, Inc. erklærer herved at dette produktet er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i
direktiv 2014/53/EU. Den fullstendige teksten i EU-erklæringen er tilgjengelig på følgende internettadresse: https://www.
[DEUTSCH] Fossil Group, Inc. erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt die wesentlichen Anforderungen und anderen relevanten
Bestimmungen der EU Richtlinie 2014/53/EU einhält. Der vollständige Text der EU-Konformitätserklärung ist unter der
folgenden Internetadresse verfügbar:
[FRANÇAIS] Fossil Group Inc. déclare par la présente que ce produit est conforme aux principales exigences et autres clauses
pertinentes de la directive européenne 2014/53/EU. Vous trouverez le texte intégral de la déclaration de conformité de l'UE à
l'adresse suivante :
[ITALIANO] Con la presente, Fossi Group, Inc., dichiara che questo prodotto rispetta i requisiti essenziali e altre disposizioni
pertinenti alla Direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo completo della dichiarazione di conformità UE è disponibile al seguente indirizzo
[PORTUGUÊS] Fossil Group, Inc., declara que este produto está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da
Directiva 2014/53/CE. O texto integral da declaração de conformidade CE está disponível no seguinte endereço de Internet:
[ESPAÑOL] Por medio de la presente Fossil Group, Inc., declara que el producto cumple con los requisitos esenciales
y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 2014/53/CE. El texto íntegro de la declaración
CE de conformidad está disponible en la siguiente dirección web:
[POLSKI] Niniejszym, Fossil Group, Inc. oświadcza, że ten produkt jest zgodny z zasadniczymi
wymaganiami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 2014/53/UE. Pełny tekst
deklaracji zgodności UE jest dostępny pod następującym adresem internetowym: https://www.
[TÜRKÇE] İş bu vesileyle, Fossil Group, Inc., bu ürünün temel gerekliliklere ve 2014/53/EU
sayılı direktifin diğer ilgili maddelerine uygun olduğunu beyan eder. AB uygunluk deklarasyonun
tam metni aşağıdaki internet adresinde bulunabilir:
Group, Inc. заявляет, что данное изделие соответствует обязательным требованиям и
прочим соответствующим положениям Директивы 2014/53/EU.Полный текст декларации
соответствия нормам ЕС представлен в интернете по следующему адресу: https://www.
EUROPA (DECLARAȚIA CE DE CONFORMITATE)Prin prezenta, Fossil Group Inc. declară că acest
produs respectă cerințele esențiale și alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei 2014/53/UE.Textul
complet al declarației UE de conformitate este disponibil la următoarea adresă de internet: https://
EVROPA (PROHLÁŠENÍ CE O SHODĚ)Společnost Fossil Group, Inc. tímto prohlašuje, že tento
výrobek je v souladu se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice
2014/53/EU.Úplné znění prohlášení o shodě EU je k dispozici na internetové adrese: https://www.
[ENGLISH] Disposal and Recycling Information
The symbol indicates that this Product shall not be mixed with unsorted municipal waste when disposed of.
There is a separate collection system for waste electrical and electronic equipment. Usually old electrical and
electronic equipment can be returned free of charge. For further information please contact the competent
municipal authorities or the shop where you purchased the Product. Correct disposal ensures that waste
electrical and electronic equipment is recycled and reused appropriately. It helps avoid potential damage for the environment
and human health and to preserve natural resources.
• Do not dispose of the Product with household waste.
• Batteries are not to be disposed of in municipal waste stream and require separate collection.
• Disposal of the packaging and your Product should be done in accordance with local regulations.
[DANSK] Oplysninger om bortskaffelse og genbrug
Dette symbol indikerer, at produktet ikke må blandes med usorteret kommunalt affald, når det bortskaffes. Der findes et
separat indsamlingssystem for elektrisk affald og elektronisk udstyr. Sædvanligvist kan gammelt elektrisk og elektronisk
udstyr returneres gratis. For yderligere oplysninger kontakt relevante kommunale myndigheder eller butikken, hvor du købte
produktet. Korrekt bortskafning sikrer, at elektrisk affald og elektronisk udstyr genbruges på passende vis. Dette hjælper med
at modvirke potentielle skader på miljøet og menneskers sundhed og bevare naturressourcer.
• Bortskaf ikke produktet sammen med husholdningsaffald.
• Batterier må ikke bortskaffes via kommunal affaldsindsamling, og kræver separat indsamling.
• Bortskafning af indpakning og dit produkt bør ske i overensstemmelse med lokale bestemmelser.
[NEDERLANDS] Informatie over weggooien en recyclen
Het symbool geeft aan dat dit product niet mag worden gemengd met ongesorteerd huishoudelijk afval. Er is een apart



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